Tilbake til søkeresultatene

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020


Tildelt: kr 99 999

FoodFutures proposes to sustainably deliver 100+ healthy, sustainable, nutritious and culturally appropriate (HSNC) diets generated from low-processed and sustainable food and ingredients with high nutritional value, excluding high fat, sugar and salt foods (HFSS), such as plant-based food. Animal sourced food (ASF) are not excluded from FoodFutures’ vision of HSNC but rather a boundary to provide impetus for alternative sources such as plants, yeast, algae, seafood and fish. Concretely, FoodFutures proposes to decrease and when pertinent substitute ASF such as meat from domesticated animals (e.g. chickens, sheep, rabbits, pigs and cattle), milk, eggs, honey, cheese, yogurt, etc. Regarding these categories, ASF 'substitution' is not a way forward, but just part of the solution. Less and better ASF is part of the solution, also to ensure ecosystems and good land management. At macro level FoodFuture ensures production quantities are adjusted on a ‘right amount of the right source’ basis, to secure a sustainable integration of the strengths and weaknesses of the current European aquatic and terrestrial capacities from an operational point of view. Consequently, FoodFutures explores developments on ‘ecological leftovers’ that limits feed production and relies on natural grasslands and food waste to feed livestock, also reducing the total number of livestock, and thus the amount of meat and dairy products consumed. FoodFutures generates responsible, nature-inclusive, bio-based and sustainable food value chains, supported by cross-sectoral circular bioeconomies incorporating aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. FoodFutures explores and delivers mechanisms to effectively integrate HSNC in existing CRFS, providing food ingredients for human consumption and contributing to food security and CRFS resilience.


PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020