Persistent, Mobile and Toxic or hazardous compounds (PMT) with their extended life time, accumulate in the environment, producing harmful effects only after long periods of time, when the (bio)accumulated concentrations are already too high and the toxic effects may be irreversible, posing an ultimate challenge to human and environmental health. With 30 partners from leading research institutes (8), academia (6), SMEs (9) and industry (7). The members come from 15 EU member states and from China. GREENSOL will produce for the first-time gene signatures using relevant cell models adapted for chronic and low exposure (PATROLs EU project) to allow grouping and ranking of PMT compounds for hazard assessment. GREENSOL will explore the concept of “big data” in toxicology, which represents a unique strategy to understand the Mode of Action of PMTs in living organisms. Results will lead to the development of IATAs to address key toxicological end points in a harmonised and cost-efficient manner (WP6). The thermodynamics of protein-PMT interaction will also be explored by GREENSOL as a cost-efficient approach to identify safety concerns. GREENSOL will produce a new, integrated approach providing insights into the mechanisms of protein adsorption at the PMT-bio interface together the evaluation of the thermodynamic parameters of PMT/ protein interaction, which are then included as novel criteria for PMT grouping, and develop best practices for the management and treatment of waste, soil and water in line with the circular economy action plan.