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FRIPRO-Fri prosjektstøtte

AMBIENT: Bodily Entrainment to Audiovisual Rhythms

Alternativ tittel: AMBIENT: Kroppslig respons til audiovisuelle rytmer

Tildelt: kr 12,0 mill.





2021 - 2026

Midlene er mottatt fra:


AMBIENT skal undersøke hvordan rytmer påvirker mennesker. En tikkende klokke er et eksempel på en lydlig rytme. Et blinkende lys er en visuell rytme. Slike lydlige og visuelle rytmer kan blandes til audiovisuelle rytmer i et rom. Hypotesen er at slike audiovisuelle rytmer påvirker folk, bevisst eller ubevisst. Dette vil først bli studert gjennom månedslange observasjonsstudier av folk som jobber alene på kontor. Vi skal måle de audiovisuelle rytmene og sammenligne disse med både kvalitative og kvantitative data fra deltagerne. Deretter skal vi studere hvordan folk samarbeider gjennom nettbaserte verktøy. Målet er å utvikle en helhetlig teori om audiovisuelle og spatiotemporale rytmer. Til slutt skal vi utforske interaktive systemer for å gjenskape audiovisuelle rytmer i et nettbasert klasserom.

Much focus has been devoted to understanding the "foreground" of human activities: things we say, actions we do, sounds we hear. From such a perspective, various types of background elements are considered "noise", for example, the sound of a ventilation system in an office, the footsteps of people in a corridor, or people's fidgeting in a classroom. Such elements are usually not at the forefront of our attention, but they still constitute an important part of the experienced ambience of an environment. AMBIENT will investigate such environmental "noise", how it influences people's bodily behaviour, and how people feel about such rhythms in an environment. This will be done by studying how different auditory and visual stimuli combine to create rhythms in various settings. The hypothesis is that various types of rhythms influence people's bodily behaviour through principles of entrainment, that is, the process by which independent rhythmical systems interact with each other. AMBIENT will develop a coherent theory of the rhythms of in-door environments, informed by three sets of case studies: - WP2: observations of people working alone in their offices - WP3: observations of people working together in a physical-virtual shared office - WP4: experiments with an interactive ambience system in a telematic classroom The aim is to work towards a greater understanding of (a) the rhythms of in-door environments, (b) how people interact with such rhythms, and (c) how such rhythms can be captured and (re)created in a different environment. The development of a coherent theory of the audiovisual and spatiotemporal nature of rhythm may lead to scientific impact in a number of related disciplines. The knowledge gained about people's everyday experiences may lead to societal impact on the design of in-door environments, use of background music, and better systems for telecommunication.

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