Tre måneder etter den første bølgen av Covid i Norge, sommeren 2020, svarte over 100.000 av deltakerne i Koronastudien på et spørreskjema der vi spurte hvordan de følte seg. Vi ble overrasket over at så mange av de som hadde hatt covid sa at de følte at de hadde fått en dårligere helse enn tidligere. Likevel hadde de over 1000 covid pasientene og over 100.000 andre deltakerne omtrent like mye tungpust og plager fra luftveiene så vi måtte lete andre steder etter en forklaring på hvorfor en del av de som hadde hatt covid følte seg dårlige.
Heldigvis hadde mange av deltakerne også beskrevet hvordan de følte seg og det vi fant overrasket oss: covid pasientene nevnte hukommelsesplager 100 ganger så ofte som de som ikke hadde hatt covid.
Vi forsto med en gang at covid påvirker hjernen på en eller annen måte og at det ville bli viktig å utforske dette videre og det er dette vi gjør i dette prosjektet der vi vil se på hvordan covid påvirker hukommelsen i detalj og hvordan helsen til de som har hatt covid utvikler seg i tiden etter sykdommen.
The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) causes COVID-19, a potentially fatal disease. More than 100 million people have been infected, and 2 million deaths have been reported. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic on March 11th, 2020. The long-term outcome of COVID-19 is not known, but the novelty of the disease, the severe symptoms in some patients, the dissemination of the virus throughout the body, and initial reports of medium-term negative health effects as well as our own data all argue for follow-up studies of COVID-19 patients.
In the proposed project, we will combine Norwegian Registries with a large cohort of COVID-19 patients and controls to characterize the long-term health of COVID-19 survivors.
The proposed project is based on a prospective cohort study that has already started. A group of committed researchers led by Arne Søraas have established a new cohort of 176.000 participants. All participants have completed an extensive baseline questionnaire and up to three follow-up questionnaires. The study has already obtained and used data from the Norwegian Surveillance System for Communicable Diseases (MSIS) and now plans to conduct a large-scale follow-up study of more than 4000 COVID-19 patients and controls through several other Norwegian registries.
The project will thus provide high-quality, empirical knowledge about the long-term health consequences of COVID-19.
The project will be led by the principal investigator (PI) and specialist in Infectious diseases, Arne Søraas, MD, PhD, together with an epidemiology team from Imperial College, London, the Cancer Registry of Norway, and the epidemiologist in our group. In addition, the investigations of memory after COVID-19 will be led by the PI and a neurocognitive team from the Department of Psychology, University of Oslo.