Prosjektet undersøker Norges innsats for å bekjempe utnyttelse av arbeidsinnvandrere, med særlig fokus på tverretatlig samarbeid i kampen mot menneskehandel, sosial dumping og arbeidslivskriminalitet. For å sette det norske eksemplet i perspektiv vil det bli gjort sammenligninger med andre nordiske land. Prosjektet vil analysere nyere politikkutvikling i lys av et internasjonalt menneskerettighetsperspektiv, med særlig oppmerksomhet rettet mot FNs konvensjon om beskyttelse av rettighetene til alle arbeidsmigranter og deres familiemedlemmer. Dette er den eneste av FNs ni kjernekonvensjoner Norge ennå ikke har ratifisert.
In a global context of anxiety over labour market developments, crime and migration policies are becoming increasingly decisive for workers’ ability to organize and access decent working conditions. The relationship between immigration status and vulnerability for exploitation is perhaps most acute for irregular migrants, who often find themselves in informality/illegality or legal grey zones. At a national level, the issue of migrant workers’ labour rights straddles the concerns of offering protection from violence and exploitation, while at the same time protecting national labour markets and responding to sector-specific demands for cheap and flexible labour. Conflicting priorities often produce contradictory legal regimes, criminalizing the immediate perpetrators while simultaneously restricting avenues for legal immigration. This ignores the evidence that shutting down legal avenues serves to further exclude those who find themselves in an irregular situation, rendering them more vulnerable to exploitation.
One of the major challenges associated with studies of the exploitation of migrant labour is the low level of conceptual clarity, combined with a high degree of political complexity and tension associated with the language used to speak about migrants’ rights. To overcome this challenge, PROMI applies an innovative interdisciplinary approach to the issue of policy formation and implementation, in which language, organisational development and the law become important objects of study. Empirically the project investigates policies against the exploitation of migrant workers in Norway. To put the Norwegian example in perspective, comparisons will be made with other Nordic countries. In addition, recent policy developments will be studied within a wider international human rights context, in particular The Migrant Workers Convention (CRMW).