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FRIPRO-Fri prosjektstøtte

Targeting lung cancer cells by selective translation of mRNA therapeutics

Alternativ tittel: Selektiv translation av mRNA-terapi i lungekreftceller

Tildelt: kr 12,0 mill.





2021 - 2025

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Mange av funksjonene i kroppens celler utføres av proteiner. Terapeutiske mRNA er menneskeskapte molekyler som - når de blir introdusert i celler - fungerer som en instruksjon for å lage disse proteinene. Praktisk talt hvilket som helst protein kan lages ved hjelp av denne teknikken, men de nåværende metodene for å bestemme hvilken celletype som vil lage proteinet er svært begrenset. Derfor kan vi ikke kontrollere hvilke celler som vil produsere proteinet etter at mRNA-molekylene injiseres i blodstrømmen. Dette prosjektet har som mål å utvikle flere elementer av mRNA-kode som kan brukes som ON/OFF bryter. Disse nye komponentene sørger for at det terapeutiske proteinet bare kan lages av bestemte celletyper og ikke av andre celler. Mer spesifikt tar dette prosjektet sikte på å selektivt produsere giftige proteiner i lungekreftceller mens man unngår uønskede effekter på friske celler.

Messenger RNA (mRNA) transfers the genetic sequence of a gene from the nucleus to the cytosol. There, mRNA is translated into functional proteins after which it is quickly degraded. Current technologies have raised mRNA from an unstable intermediary to a potential game changer in modern medicine. Indeed, introducing mRNA therapeutics into any given cell leads to immediate production of the encoded therapeutic protein. Moreover, recent developments in nanomedicine now allow mRNA encapsulation in lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) to achieve safe and broad tissue distribution in humans . However, targeted delivery of these mRNA-LNPs to a specific pathological site in the body remains a currently unaddressed obstacle in leveraging this technology to full-scale clinical use . “TaSeTra” (Targeting by Selective Translation) is the key concept of this proposal and uses stable mRNA stem-loop structures to restrict translation of mRNA therapeutics to a targeted cell type (Figure 1). This introduces the novel concept of transferring the targeting function from the nanocarrier to the drug (mRNA) payload, thereby bearing the potential to achieve a breakthrough in the field. This proposal intends to develop TaSeTra-based mRNA therapeutics nanoformulated in LNPs and assess their lung tumor targeting potential. Such interdisciplinary research combines high throughput mRNA design with development of RNA nanocarriers at SINTEF (Trondheim). In addition, the proposal is supported by expertise in lung cancer models at Antonio Maraver’s group (Montpellier Cancer Research Institute, IRCM). The proposed research builds upon a Young Investigator Proof of Concept startup grant obtained at the Cancer Research Institute Ghent (Belgium) and fits within the framework of “TheRNApy”, SINTEF’s strategic project which explores commercial opportunities in the field of mRNA therapeutics.


FRIPRO-Fri prosjektstøtte
