Prosjektet skal undersøke hvordan ulike genetiske varianter bidrar til fenotypisk diversitet og evolusjon av atlantisk laks. For å klare dette kombinerer vi analyser av store datasett med genetisk informasjon fra oppdrett- og villaks med CRISPR-baserte genredigeringseksperimenter. Målet er at forskningen skal kunne bedre avlsprogrammene, og å legge til rette for mer kunnskapsbasert og bærekraftig forvaltning av villaksstammer.
Genomic structural variants contribute largely to phenotypic diversity, including disease susceptibility, metabolism, morphology and growth traits. However, due to their complex nature, which and how structural variants have contributed to adaptive evolution with functional advantage are yet to be clarified. To identify adaptive structural variants and clarify their phenotypic advantage at the molecular scale, I propose (1) cutting-edge bioinformatics approaches that integrate multiple omics data sets (population genomics, gene expression during development, and aquaculture traits) and (2) functional investigation with gene-editing technology at the cellular and organismal levels. This project will link how genomic structural variants contribute to the phenotypic diversity including aquacultural traits and adaptive evolution in domesticated Atlantic salmon populations. On a broader scale, this study will establish a pipeline to investigate the phenotypic and evolutionary effect of structural variants in non-model organisms, including aqua- and agricultural species and endangered species. Understanding genetic diversity also contributes to the sustainable maintaining of both wild and farmed Atlantic salmons.