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BEDREHELSE-Bedre helse og livskvalitet

Preventing injuries in youth sport through an interdisciplinary and theory-based approach

Alternativ tittel: Skadeforebygging i ungdomsidrett med en tverrfaglig og teoribasert tilnærming

Tildelt: kr 16,0 mill.




2021 - 2026



De fleste skader blant norsk ungdom skjer i idrett. Norges idrettsforbund og de to største særforbundene, håndball og fotball, jobber derfor systematisk med å gjøre idretten tryggere. I dette prosjektet vil vi utvikle og evaluere en ny tilnærming til skadeforebygging i idrett - et trenerledet program rettet mot de sosiokulturelle, biomedisinske og adferdsmessige faktorene som gjør at ungdom er utsatt for skade. Prosjektet er et samarbeid mellom fire ledende forskningssentre (Norge/Sverige/Storbritannia) fra forskjellige forskningsfelt. Ved å kombinere kunnskapen fra idrettssosiologi, biomedisin og helseadferd vil vi utvikle en ny forståelse av hvordan vi kan forebygge skader i ungdomshåndball og -fotball. Gjennom en serie studier med forskjellige metoder, i kombinasjon med bruker- og ekspertkunnskap, vil vi utvikle og evaluere et nytt, trenerledet program, samt kunnskapen det baseres på. Hvis programmet reduserer skader i idrett, vil idrettsorganisasjonene følge en formell strategi for innføring i norsk ungdomshåndball og -fotball.

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health reports that organized sport is the main cause for injuries among youth – despite strategic efforts to protect athlete health by the governing body: the Norwegian confederation of sports, and its handball and football federations. This project centers on the development and evaluation of a new approach to sports injury prevention, namely a coach-led program targeting the sociocultural, biomedical, and behavioral factors that determine injury risk and injury-preventive behavior. The proposed project will foster collaboration between these sports organizations and four leading research centers (Norway/Sweden/UK) to promote interdisciplinary integration of youth sports research. Our primary objective is to develop and evaluate a coach-led program, based on interdisciplinary program theory from sports sociology, biomedicine, and health behavior, to prevent first-time and recurrent injury in youth handball and football. We extend the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center’s 20-year biomedical research program on epidemiology, risk factors, injury mechanisms, and interventions, by forging new collaborations with sports sociology and health behavior experts. Building on state of the art, the project uses a range of methods (qualitative, quantitative, research synthesis) coupled with expert and user knowledge, to develop and test program theory. Beyond the interdisciplinary program theory, two distinctive features are 1) an effectiveness trial with male and female youth handball and football players and 2) the world-leading dissemination network Skadefri. If the intervention is effective, the sports organizations will follow a formal implementation strategy to integrate the program in Norwegian youth handball and football. Our research approach focuses on end-user benefits and is scalable to other sports settings, emphasizing the potential to improve the health of the 75% of Norwegian youth who participate in organized sport.


BEDREHELSE-Bedre helse og livskvalitet