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Market validation of new sample preparation solutions for clinical diagnostic purposes

Alternativ tittel: Markedsvalidering av nye diagnostiske produkter for klinisk diagnostikk

Tildelt: kr 5,0 mill.

Målet med dette prosjekter er å validere markedet for en ny teknologi innenfor prøvepreparering til bruk i klinsk diagnostikk. Lybe Scientifics første produkt; NAxtra, ble brukt til diagnostikk av Covid-19 både nasjonalt og internasjonalt under pandemien. Teknologien har vist seg fungere bra til dette formålet, men ytterligere validering innenfor andre diagnostikkområder er nødvendig for å demonstrere at teknologien har potensiale utenfor Covid-19. Arbeidet som er foreslått i denne søknaden er nødvendig for å validere markedsbehovet og posisjonere Lybe Scientific i det internasjonale markedet innenfor diagnostikk.

Extraction of nucleic acid from biological samples for diagnostic purposes is one of the most important achievements of modern science and is a basic necessity for almost all clinical diagnostic applications. With the application of high-throughput and automated extraction technology, the isolation process of nucleic acid is with this new solution greatly simplified. The business model is to produce and sell reagents to customers using state of art automation platforms in clinical laboratories and to offer disruptive pricing in order to offer the user economies of scale. We have developed our business modell further and entered into agreements with distributors for more efficient access to customers. The current project is well in line with UN sustainable development goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. In more detail, supplying solutions for sample preparation kits to the world will have a significant impact on goal 3.8, “…achieve access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all.” Our further business development will continue to be in line with this goal.
