Intro to event:
Where we once had to passively listen to mass media, today we can have active conversations through social media. Where we once had to go to a central location to manage money, today the bank is always at our fingertips. The rise of decentralized distributed energy systems is producing a similar dynamic for energy producers and consumers.
About TGN Energy:
TGN Energy has recently run a pilot at a large factory Isola in collaboration with Sintef. They ran an experiment on how effective solar power coupled with a battery and a control system could effectively save costs, instead of the factory relying entirely on the power grid!
The functionalities they have today are peak holding, reduction of reactive power, phase equalization and emergency current.
Challenge and Data that will be presented at event:
In order to save even more electricity costs for the future factories, TGN energy wants a better control system that can take in data from electricity prices, weather, historical data, and battery (among other variables)!
At the event, TGN Energy's Tommy and Frederik will present their story, their experiment, the record results they achieved!
While Magnus, representing challenge for TGN Energy, will present how to get started and the rules of the challenge!
Event Info:
For this event, we aim to have a webinar hosted at Forskingsparken
1. Teach the basics of distributed energy systems
2. Present one of the latest deep tech startups working on the solution in collaboration with the biggest research institutions!
1. Get a demonstration of how this data can be utilized in a model (presented to you in a python jupyter notebook or google colab)
2. Provide the Challenge to see how well candidates can predict the costs incurred of an average day, and how well you can minimize the costs based on this prediction.
3. Provide TGN Energy with the solution to problem described in 2.)