ECSEL-project TRANSACT, Transform safety-critical cyber-physical systems into distributed solutions for end-users and partners
Alternativ tittel: ECSEL-prosjekt TRANSACT, Transformere sikkerhetskritiske cyber-fysiske systemer til distribuerte løsninger for sluttbrukere og partnere
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) er overalt og spiller en avgjørende rolle i en rekke sektorer, men per i dag utnytter vi ikke deres fulle potensiale. Fortsatt distribueres sikkerhetskritiske og delvis kritiske systemer som enkeltstående systemer fordi det er den eneste måten å sikre systemets sikkerhet og performance samtidig. Som et resultat er dagens CPS lite fleksible og i tillegg veldig kostbare; muligheten for menneskelige feil er fremdeles veldig stor, og datakraften de har tilgjengelig er begrenset som «stand-alone» system. En mer integrert og koblet arkitektur for slike systemer via edge- og skyteknologier kan hjelpe oss å overvinne disse begrensningene.
TRANSACT hadde som mål å utvikle et universelt anvendelig arkitekturkonsept og rammeverk for distribuerte løsninger (enhet-edge-sky), med fokus på å ivareta sikker datalagring og overføring. En overgangsmetodikk er utformet for å kunne transformere enkeltstående sikkerhetskritisk CPS (Cyber-Physical-Systems) til distribuerte CPS løsninger. Resultatene vil bli anvendt og demonstrert i forskjellige demonstratorer relatert til ECSEL-MASP 2020 Key Application Areas. De norske partnerne (NAVTOR og SIMULA) har hovedsakelig bidratt til dette i det maritime domenet, primært mot handelsskip (SOLAS fartøy).
Spesifikt har NAVTOR AS utvide våre eksisterende og grunnleggende edge/sky-teknologier mellom fartøy og land. Dette for å muliggjøre kontinuerlig utvikling og oppdateringer av dynamiske end-to-end sikkerhets- og performance overvåkningsprogrammer og ikke minst nye beslutningsstøttene-tjenester i enhet device-edge-sky-løsningen. SIMULA RESEARCH LABORATORY AS har utviklet nye maskinlæringsmetoder og verktøy som nå muliggjør automatisering og forbedring av daglige operasjoner innen maritim, slik som oversikt og statistikk for hvor fartøy faktisk har seilt, trafikk-prognoser i utsatte sjø-områder i verden hvor en kan forventer kø av skip, identifisering av anomalier i seilingsmønster for eget og andres skip, etc.
Som et resultat av dette har NAVTOR AS utviklet og operasjonalisert nye tjenester som øker sikkerheten og effektiviteten til sjøs, slik som tidlig varsel hvis det er fare for grunnstøting eller prognoser for beste seilingsled med tanke på lavere drivstofforbruket. Dette blir et gjennombrudd i arbeidet med å redusere grunnstøting og andre hendelser, redusere utslipp til sjø og luft, dvs. følge opp FN/IMOs (International Maritime Organization) forpliktende innsats for å nå bærekrafts målene, samt redusere drivstoffkostnadene og øke konkurransekraft for europeisk skipsfart.
The transition of safety-critical CPS towards distributed safety-critical CPS solutions, both technical and business-wise, has allowed TRANSACT to achieve major impact along three distinct lines in the Maritime Use case (headed by NAVTOR):
(1) Business impact, leading to much faster innovation with value-based services and faster market introduction. NAVTOR has through a refined device-edge-cloud architecture made an advisory service framework allowing worldwide vessels a more easy access to existing and new advisory services for safe and efficient navigation. New services developed and tested includes, but are not limited to:
-Auto-Routing finding the shortest, still safe, route btw any two ports (or points),
-Framework for Weather Routing Optimization Service from vessel’s NavStation (SW) to Device to Cloud to Shore based provider (and optimized route in return)
- Vessel Anomaly detection by Cloud, with notification to vessel and shore if critical situations occur.
(2) Innovation and knowledge impact has been devloped, offering consolidated best practices to help and guide industries to make the transition from local stand-alone CPS to distributed safety-critical CPS solutions.
(3) Societal and environmental impact of TRANSACT project: the project has been targeting fast innovation with new services, which are major enablers for many aspects of the European societal and environmental challenges such as safer shipping, driving and public transport, secure, clean and efficient energy; value-based care with greater efficiency; climate action, environment and resource efficiency ; and cyber-secure operations in the cloud. In the maritime use case specifically, societal and environmental impact has focused on enhancing the safety and efficiency of sailing vessels.
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are all around us. From telecommunications to energy, from transport to healthcare and from robotics to military, CPS play a crucial role in a variety of key sectors and are promised a bright future by almost every economic foresight study. However, we are not exploiting their full potential just yet. Especially safety-critical and mixed-critical systems are still deployed as standalone systems. A more integrated and connected architecture for such systems via edge and cloud technologies could overcome these limitations.
To this end TRANSACT targets the following technological innovations:
* Extend the existing edge/cloud technologies in order to support safety-critical CPS and enable a continuous deployment of functions over the device-edge-cloud continuum.
* Extend model-based and simulation-based design tools to support the correct integration and deployment of safety-critical components along the device-edge-cloud continuum.
* Develop dynamic end-to-end safety and performance monitoring systems, load balancing mechanisms and graceful degradation strategies applicable to safety-critical CPS.
* Implement end-to-end security and privacy technologies based on both theoretical (by design) and actual (monitoring) scenarios, layered attestation policies and security contracts.
*Develop techniques for the virtual design, implementation, certification and early integration of large distributed CPS with different suppliers of distributed solutions.
*Integrate AI based services and data analytics services into safety-critical CPS.
In the maritime use case, SIMULA will contribute with development of novel AI services and their integration into distributed CPS in the maritime domain. This will enable NAVTOR to add new, distributed solutions enhancing safety and efficiency by early warning of collisions/groundings and anomalies in fuel consumption, reducing emissions to sea and air, at the same time reducing cost for European Shipping.