AI is the most powerful technology of our time. However, AI is a broad term embracing various approaches and technologies, which has led to fragmentation of stakeholders in regional and topical clusters. NORA - Norwegian AI Research Consortium, was created to consolidate this field and now covers the majority of the AI research in Norway that is produced by research institutes, universities and university colleges through its 14 partners. However, given Norway's size and population distribution the concern for fragmentation is real, specially leading to smaller players and research environments being left behind. Furthermore, the applications of AI require huge amounts of data and high performance computational infrastructure that may be difficult to access. The landscape of AI is very competitive globally and even larger Norwegian universities and research institutions cannot afford to go forward alone.
The proposed NORA Research School brings together PhD researchers in a single framework and addresses the unmet needs, fills gaps and improves the quality, collaboration and relevance of research for the Norwegian Society. It also makes it efficient for all players, even the smaller ones, to get access to courses, relevant international collaborations for short visits and exchange programs, internships, access to centralised computational resources, datasets and opportunities to work with the industry and public sector through conferences, events, industry days and workshops.
The essence of the proposal also lies in the real empowerment of student community and allowing them to provide a strong input to the Research School activities throughout the year; for stakeholders from industry and public sector to share their problems and engage talent. Capturing the cutting edge topics in research school activity and linkages with international environments will improve the overall visibility and attractiveness of Norwegian AI research for attracting talent globally.