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Empowered Futures: A Global Research School Navigating the Social and Environmental Controversies of Low-Carbon Energy Transitions

Alternativ tittel: Myndiggjøring Energi Framtider: Global forskerskole navigering sosiale og miljømessige kontroversene ved overgang til lavkarbonenergi

Tildelt: kr 16,0 mill.

Kunnskap og kompetanse om energiomstillinger overskrider teknologisk innovasjon. Energiutviklingen deler meninger og skaper kontrovers. Med anerkjennelse av maktens sosiale og politiske natur, tilbyr forskerskolen Empowered Futures gjennom skreddersydde aktiviteter forskningsbasert kompetanse til doktorgradskandidater om konfliktmekling, rettferdig politikk og mulige utviklingsrammer for å oppnå rettferdig energiomstilling.

Energy transitions are key for both climate mitigation and sustainable development. The robust evidence base of Sustainable Development Goal 7 shows the importance of investment in renewable energy roll-out , energy efficiency measures and low energy social practices to achieve ambitious low-carbon targets by 2030. However, a series of related social, economic, and political controversies also need to be addressed for societal transitions. These controversies are evident in Norway and globally, as countries advance a low-carbon energy future. They include conflicts over land and resource use, cultural and economic value, biological disturbance, loss of jobs in fossil-related industries, new taxes, and more. Thus, knowledge and competence on energy transitions transcends technological innovation.We discern a critical need for research-based competence on conflict mediation, equitable policy and development frameworks to achieve broad socio-political acceptance of a steady shift away from fossil fuel reliance. In this PhD school, the key research environments in Norway on the social science of energy and energy transition join forces to educate researchers of the future in energy social science. Empowered Futures furthermore enables a coordinated and unique platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing, joint courses and activities with governance, civil society and business partners. Our core partners include Local Government, a National Regulatory Authority, Private Renewable Energy Companies, a Private Consultancy Business, a major Environmental NGO and a prominent Research Institute in this field. The School will through its collaboration and co-productive relationships with these partners educate PhD candidates with a specific interest in building careers (in research, business, consultancy and the public sector) geared to both critically explore and empower energy transitions, and to enable workable and just pathways through the controversies they generate.

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