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IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Research Exchange on Emerging Topic Detection in Online Social Media

Tildelt: kr 44 973

This proposal seeks funding for two postdocs from from Simula Research Laboratory, and for Johannes Langguth from Simula Research Laboratory to travel to Université de Lorraine for collaboration in the area of algorithms for social network analysis. The first component of the collaboration will be a research visit of about one week by Johannes Langguth and Daniel Schroeder to the LORIA Campus scientifique in early 2022. The goal in this week will be to set up the collaboration and to define its scientific structure. Daniel Schroeder will stay on for a total of one month under the supervision of Marianne Clausel with the aim of establishing a theoretical common ground for further work in the project. This will be followed up by a one week return visit by Marianne Clausel and Mathieu Constant who will be accompanied by Aman Sinha who is one of the PhD students they surpervised. The PhD student will remain for one month to work under the supervision of Johannes Langguth. The focus will lie on practical work on the basis of the theory established earlier. Experiments will use the experimental exascale hardware available at Simula through the eX3 - Experimental Infrastructure for Exploration of Exascale Computing project. The project is accompanied by a corresponding application to AURORA/Campusfrance which will cover the French part of the travel grant.


IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike