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IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike

Simulation-based training and assessment in laparoscopic surgery

Tildelt: kr 53 276

The introduction of minimally invasive surgery in the 90’s, together with an increased public attention to surgeons’ competencies in general, have created an interest in how to acquire and test surgical skills outside of the operating room. In addition, organizational changes such as increased focus on improved efficiency in operating rooms and a further increase in complexity in surgical skills and technical tools have altered the premises for the traditional apprenticeship model. Simulation-based training that reproduce vital parts of the surgical reality appear as a promising adjunct to the apprenticeship model. Simulation-based training and assessment, however, require simulators together with training and assessment programs that have enough support of validity for the intended use. The health department in Norway have during the last years made changes to the structure of surgical education. One of them is the introduction of simulation-based training as both a compulsory and recommended training activity for surgeons in training. This is regarded as a positive step forward, but a step that need support, both in creating simulation-based training programs that have enough scientific support for the intended use, and further to exploit the possibilities of competency-based education where simulators are used to assess surgical skills. We plan to look into these aspects, where a collaboration across French and Norwegian education systems will give valuable insight into differences and similarities. We plan to define a multi-center study with the clinical partners to create knowledge on what are good simulation-based training and how and which surgical skills can be assessed with the simulators, with the intention to create evidence-based simulation-based training programs and skills assessment that can be implemented in surgical education in Norway and France


IS-AUR-Samarb.progr. mellom Norge og Frankrike