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ENERGIX-Stort program energi

New hyperthermophilic organisms to increase biogas production

Alternativ tittel: Økt biogassproduksjon fra nye hyperthermofile organismer

Tildelt: kr 10,6 mill.




2022 - 2024

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Hyperthermics AS har utviklet en teknologi som bruker hypertermofile mikroorganismer, for å omdanne industrielle biomasser mer effektivt til biogass. Prosessen består av to trinn: et bioaktivt hydrolysetrinn ved bruk av hypertermofile mikroorganismer før et andre standardtrinn, den metanproduserende biogassreaktoren. På grunn av den høye temperaturen på omtrent 80 °C, er Hyperthermics prosessen i stand til å øke hastighet i den totale prosessen og også øke det totale utbyttet av biogass sammenlignet med de tradisjonelle prosessene i en kombinasjon av spesifikk utbytteøkning og kortere oppholdstid som fører til høyere gjennomstrømning og økt lønnsomhet. Hyperthermics-teknologien har blitt demonstrert i en fullskala pilot og ved omfattende laboratorieeksperimenter på en rekke kommersielle biomasser. Prosjektet har utvikle og anvendt in-situ prøvetaking av nye stammer med en ny metode som bruker prøver av de målrettede biomassene i en prøvetakingsfelle for innhøsting av bakterier i naturen. Bakteriestammer identifisert og verifisert som et resultat av dette prosjektet vil bli brukt kommersielt av Hyperthermics i storskala pilotprosjekter og kommersielle anlegg. Med dette vil markedet for Hyperthermics-teknologien utvides, noe som vil føre til økt lønnsom biogassproduksjon.

The outcome of the project has been to demonstrate increased biogas yield from strains tailored to industrial feedstocks targeted by the project. The project has confirmed the methods and procedures enabling future sampling of strains relevant also for feedstocks requested by the market not targeted by this project and also clearified procedures to satisfy the Nagoya protocol. For the project participants the project has developed their scientific collaboration. The impact of the project on society remains to be realised, but may be significant based on successful commercial applications, as this will result in increased profitability of converting feedstock into biogas, thus expanding the economical feasibility of biogas. Hyperthermics has in paralell with the project worked in the market with potential customers and has through this represented an efficient dissemination of the project results.

Hyperthermics AS has developed a technology using hyperthermophilic microorganisms (bacteria or archea), to convert industrial biomasses more efficient into biogas. The process consist of two stages: a bioactive hydrolysis step using hyperthermophilic microorganisms prior to a second standard step, the methane producing biogas reactor. Due to the high temperature of approximately 80°C, the Hyperthermics fermentation is able to speed up the overall process and also increase the overall yield of biogas compared to the traditional processes in a combination of specific yield increase and shorter retention time leading to higher troughput and increased profitability. The Hyperthermics technology has been demonstrated in a full-scale pilot and by extensive laboratory experiments on a range of commercial biomasses. The full scale pilot (10m3 reactor at Lindum AS, Norway) has confirmed the upscaling of the technology but also identified challenges with respect to operational procedures as well as possibilities and limitations with respect to biomass composition and variations. This project targets the limitations of fermentations in the Hyperthermics reactor, - biomass composition and pH and variations thereof, by in-situ sampling of new strains with a novel method using samples of the targeted biomasses in a sampling “trap” at natural sites. Strains identified and verified as a result of this project will be used commercially by Hyperthermics in large scale pilot projects and commercial fermentation plants. By this the market for the Hyperthermics technology will be both confirmed and expanded, which will lead to an increased profitable biogas production.


ENERGIX-Stort program energi