This master project will study the contribution of different sources for pollutants in snow in the area surrounding Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Local sources of interests to study are the coal power plant, snow mobile activity, airport, boat and car traffic. Additionally, long-range atmospheric transported pollutants (LRAT) will be included. Group of pollutants will include mercury and other heavy metals and technogenic metals. If the time and resources, make it possible also selected organic pollutants like PCBs and PHAs will be included. Snow samples will be collected from Longyearbreen, Bjørndalen, Sassendalen, Adventdalen, Revenset, the city of Longyearbyen and the area around the airport. Field in the more remote areas work will be caried out in collaboration with students on the AT-331 course at UNIS. Sample preparations and measuments of pH, conductivity etc will be carreid out in Longyearbyen, while chemial analyzes will be carreid out in Trondheim at NTNU.