Pasienter med kols og hjertesvikt påfører helsevesenet stadig økende kostnader og tilhører de mest sårbare pasientgruppene, slik vi har sett under covid-19-krisen.
I prosjektet, finansiert av Horizon 2020, samarbeidet Medsensio, Helgelandssykehuset og fem andre europeiske partnere om å utvikle en løsning som kombinerer AI-algoritmer, multiparametrisk medisinsk utstyr og en plattform for hjemmeoppfølging av pasienter med kroniske hjerte- og lungesykdommer. Målet med løsningen er å forbedre mulighetene for å behandle et større antall pasienter på et lavere omsorgsnivå, samtidig som den blir mer proaktiv for å unngå unødvendige forverrelser. Ved å bruke digital pasientoppfølging øker løsningen helsevesenets kapasitet til å nå ut til flere pasienter og over lengre avstander, uten å øke ressursbruken. Dette er svært relevant for å planlegge håndteringen av eldrebølgen, med økende antall kroniske pasienter, post-covid pasienter eller fremtidige pandemier.
Plattformen for digital monitorering av kroniske hjerte- og lungesykdommer vil ha en betydelig innvirkning på helsesektoren og samfunnet, både i EU og Norge, ved å resultere i kostnadsbesparelser og forbedret behandlingskvalitet.
Dette prosjektet hadde som mål å fremheve de norske partnernes bidrag og resultater, inkludert vitenskapelige og kliniske funn, løsningens fordeler og verdiforslag, samt tilgang til de innsamlede kliniske datasettene. Dette vil stimulere innovasjon i det norske helsevesenet og helseteknologimiljøet, øke kompetansen til helsepersonell innen bruk av medisinsk programvare med AI, og føre til nye forsknings- og utviklingsprosjekter med potensiell støtte fra Horisont Europa og nasjonale institusjoner.
We have achieved significant results in three key areas, which will have a profound impact on various aspects:
Market-access communications: Our proactive market outreach activities have yielded excellent outcomes. We successfully secured two pilot projects and gained two early adopters. Additionally, we have signed a Letter of Intent (LoI) for a partnership involving joint research and development (R&D) as well as sales activities. Moreover, we are currently engaged in several other partnership discussions that are in progress.
Dissemination of scientific and clinical results: We have acquired valuable knowledge in the field of Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) combined with artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance patient-centered lung and heart care, which will benefit not only our future company development but also help building up industry expertise in this regard within the Norwegian startup ecosystem. MSCAD dataset (Medsensio-Sanolla Cardiopulmonary Auscultation Dataset [MSCAD] - a dataset of lung & heart auscultation recordings as well as vitals data for COVID and chronic patients) which was developed in the project, and recently published by Medsensio post-project end, is now accessible to the scientific community, enabling new research and development activities, as well as fostering collaborations that can drive advancements in healthcare.
Dissemination of AI results: We have established connections to explore new opportunities for R&D in the field of health data AI. Furthermore, we have cultivated valuable connections within the Norwegian AI community to share our expertise in collecting and analyzing health data. This will contribute to stimulating new innovations in health AI, fostering a supportive ecosystem for advancements in medical technology.
The impact and effects of our achievements will be far-reaching. They will facilitate innovation and sustainable improvements within the Norwegian healthcare system, leading to the development of new medical knowledge and expertise. These outcomes will create opportunities for further R&D and innovation, with the potential for attract new support from the European Commission's (EC) for the Norwegian healthcare innovation. Ultimately, our efforts will contribute to the overall enhancement of healthcare services, promoting better patient outcomes and the continued evolution of the industry.
The project is a H2020-funded project with the primary objective to mature, optimise and demonstrate an AI-powered cloud-based system for patient’s lung health assessment and surveillance, which integrates an intelligent sensor device PyXy and software with novel machine learning algorithms to increase the efficiency and quality of care delivery to chronically ill patients.
It will bring about significant impacts in the healthcare sector in terms of public health preparedness and response, improving health surveillance and care under a pandemic situation as well as in routine chronic care management in the evergrowing elderly community. This means impact on national, international and global levels.
The project results will also include a new clinical dataset with longitudinal multiparameter data from both chronic cardiorespiratory and COVID-19 patients, scientific, clinical findings around exacerbations and chronic disease management, the validation activities’ results, and a plan for international commercialization.
The Norwegian participation in the project is represented by Helgeland Hospital (clinical partner) as WP participant and Medsensio AS (innovative SME) leading WP on the development of software-as-medical-device with novel AI algorithms aimed to automatically detect parameters of changes in the patient’s lung/health which none of the existing digital care/home monitoring providers can deliver today.
With the added value stemming from such novel methods, we see a need for supplementary funding for additional activities which will highlight the contribution and achievements of the Norwegian partners: scientific, clinical findings, opportunities and benefits of Medsensio’s solution, and access to the collected clinical data. This will encourage innovation in the Norwegian health care sector, share new medical knowledge, and give opportunities for new R&D and innovation projects with potential support from the EC’s and national funding programs.