Tilbake til søkeresultatene


Dissemination of results from FIThydro and adaptation to Norwegian conditions

Alternativ tittel: Formidling av resultater fra FIThydro og tilpasning til norske forhold

Tildelt: kr 0,48 mill.

Dette prosjektet skal formidle og spre resultater fra EU-prosjektet FIThydro som utviklet en rekke innovative løsninger, metoder, verktøy, modeller og instrumenter for mer miljøvennlig vannkraftproduksjon. Prosjektet skal også gi opplæring i bruk av metoder og modeller slik at norsk vannkraftbransje og myndigheter kan finne gode løsninger for bærekraftig og miljøvennlig vannkraft. Gjennom møter, foredrag, webinarer og direkte kontakt med flere norske og svenske vannkraftprodusenter, har vi informert om verktøy og metoder fra FIThydro. Dette har medført at instrumentet "Barotrauma Detection Sensor" blir tatt i bruk i flere kraftverk for å vurdere om fisk blir skadet dersom de trekkes gjennom turbinen. Videre vurderes nå modellverktøy utviklet og brukt i FIThydro som akutelle i flere norske regulerte vassdrag. Dette gjelder "Bayesian Network" som brukes til å vurdere kostnadseffektive avbøtende miljøtiltak og "Hydropeaking tool" som brukes til å vurdere virkninger og tiltak i forbindelse med effektkjøring av kraftverk.

The Horizon2020 project FIThydro has developed solutions, methods, tools and devices to analyse and improve conditions for fish in hydropower rivers and maintaining hydropower production. FIThydro has also developed several decision support systems for environmental impacts or mitigation measures planning and implementation in hydropower rivers. These decision support tools and instruments will help and improve assessments of fish-friendliness of hydropower, and support implementation of mitigation measures in Norwegian rivers. However, it is important to disseminate, inform and facilitate the use under Norwegian conditions. The project partners of this project have organised workshops and targeted meetings with hydropower companies, authorities, consultants and researchers to inform and discuss the use of FIThydro results. The main focus have been on using Barotrauma Detection Sensor (BDS) for investigating fish migration past hydropower structures without using live fish, the Hydropeaking Tool to analyse impacts and plan potential mitigation of hydropeaking, and using Bayesian Network modelling to analyse cost-effective mitigation measures.

This project seeks additional funding to disseminate and expand results from the Horizon2020 FIThydro project, which focused on developing cataloguing and developing solutions, methods, tools, and devices (SMTDs) to enable self-sustainable fish populations in hydropower-regulated rivers. The FIThydro project additionally developed a number of resources to help choose the most appropriate and cost-effective mitigation measures, such as the Decision Support System (DSS), the Fish Population Hazard Index, the Hydropeaking Tool, a multicriteria Bayesian Network decision analysis tool (BN) and the FIThydro wiki. The FIThydro-FORSTERK project aims to disseminate these results and resources to Norwegian hydropower stakeholders (hydropower companies, national and regional authorities, consultants, policy makers, researchers and the general public) through workshops, one-to-one meetings, scientific publications, seminars/webinars and social media and communication posts. Project results and tools will be adapted to Norwegian conditions, and widely explained and disseminated within the target group. The impact of these activities can lead to increased knowledge and competence about environmental mitigation of hydropower-related challenges, and the selection of the most suitable mitigation measures implemented in a cost-effective manner. The project will be relevant for several of the UN sustainable development goals and can help Norway reach its climate targets through hydropower upgrades and expansions in an environmentally sustainable way. The resources provided will facilitate a knowledge-based discussion among stakeholders and interest groups, and will make decisions by the authorities more transparent, and knowledge focused by using FIThydro outcomes.

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