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KLIMAFORSK-Stort program klima

Arctic Cryosphere Ocean coupling and rapid climate changes

Tildelt: kr 0,26 mill.

During my research stay at EAWAG, I will test recently developed climate proxy parameters for ocean temperatures, sea ice, and salinity variations on ocean sediments recovered from the Kongsfjorden, NW Svalbard. Kongsfjorden is ideally placed for reconstructing cryosphere-ocean coupling processes beyond instrumental data series through changes in ocean productivity and sea ice coverage as a measure for the strength of the inflowing Atlantic-derived water masses and terrestrial erosional products as a measure for the cryospheric melt-down on Svalbard and salinity changes in the fjord. I will test recently developed applications by EAWAG experts and others on (1) the use of methyl-branched, long-chain alkenones both as sea surface temperature, sea ice, and salinity proxies on surface sediments (0-1 cm) in the Fram Strait between Svalbard and Greenland, and (2) apply this new knowledge on selected warm/cold intervals (Younger Dryas, Holocene thermal maximum) in the Kongsfjorden record. Initial data production will be realized before the research stay, while data interpretation and manuscript writing will be realized together with the colleagues at EAWAG. In addition, long-term research plans and further extensive collaboration will be evaluated and established with Swiss polar scientists, facilitated by the Swiss Polar Institute.


KLIMAFORSK-Stort program klima

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