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KLIMAFORSK-Stort program klima

Winter limnology under a changing climate: winter conditions, lake biogeochemistry, and food web dynamics.

Tildelt: kr 0,11 mill.

Winter climate is rapidly changing, leading to higher air temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and reduced ice cover duration on seasonally frozen lakes. Due to historic neglect of winter by lake scientists, the consequences of these changes for lake ecosystems are not well-understood. Studies of winter limnology and the effects of changing winter conditions are thus urgently needed in order to predict what the future holds for lakes and the ecosystem services they provide. This proposal is for a research stay in Norway for Dr. Tedy Ozersky, who will be hosted by Dr. Amanda Poste at the Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Fram centre Tromsø. Winter limnology is a common interest of Drs. Poste and Ozersky, and they will collaborate on field research on ice-covered lakes, data synthesis, and writing manuscripts and grant proposals. This work will contribute to improved understanding of the biogeochemistry and food web dynamics of seasonally-frozen lakes and the effects of changing winter climates on lakes. The research stay is proposed for April 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022. In April, Drs. Poste and Ozersky will conduct sampling of 6 diverse ice-covered lakes in the Tromso area to characterize under-ice physical, chemical, and biological conditions. Dr. Ozersky will also join a field trip of a graduate-level limnology class that Dr. Poste is teaching and appear as a guest lecturer in the class. In May, Drs. Poste and Ozersky will analyze data and samples generated during April sampling. In May, Dr. Ozersky will also present a guest seminar at NIVA on his winter limnology research on North American lakes. In June, Drs. Poste and Ozersky will synthesize data from Norwegian and North American lakes and work on drafting manuscripts and external grant proposals in order to continue and expand their collaboration.


KLIMAFORSK-Stort program klima