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MARINFORSK-Marine ressurser og miljø

The Atlantis Ecosystem Modelling Summit: progressing tools and networking for marine ecosystem science and management

Tildelt: kr 99 999

We apply for financial support under the Oceans theme for the second Atlantis Ecosystem Modelling Summit, which aims to aid the testing and development of the Atlantis marine ecosystem model as a tool for Ecosystem-based management (EBM), and advance global partnerships for living marine resource management. The second Atlantis Ecosystem Modelling Summit will be a hybrid meeting held at Havforskningsinstituttet in Bergen, Norway May 2-6, 2022 with a post-Summit training course May 9-11, 2022. The Summit will be a week-long series of discussion sessions supplemented by presentations from key-notes and several participants. Each day will focus on a different topic to support collaboration on a collection of manuscripts. The first day will be an assembling of the Atlantis community to disseminate current active Atlantis models, lessons learned, current challenges and future goals. The second day will include a key-note to discuss advancing long term climate projections by linking Atlantis to global and regional models. The third day will include a key-note to discuss identifying robust stock assessment and management practices that incorporate ecosystem models. The fourth day will include an expert discussion panel on applying techniques such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to assist model development and validation. The fifth day will focus on summarizing the previous discussions for the development of manuscripts, and preparation for the post-Summit training course. The post-Summit training course will be taught by the developer of Atlantis, and will aim to support nascent Atlantis modelling efforts get up and running via dedicated training sessions as well as existing Atlantis modelling efforts via dedicated debugging sessions. Creating an arena for Atlantis users will strengthen the international cooperation and development of this modelling tool to support EBM development.


MARINFORSK-Marine ressurser og miljø