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Lofoten International Symposium on Inequality and Taxation

Alternativ tittel: Lofoten International Symposium on Inequality and Taxation

Tildelt: kr 74 999

Workshopen "Lofoten International Symposium on Inequality and Taxation" vil fokusere på et av de mest omdiskuterte feltene innen skatt og økonomisk politikk: hvordan bør vi beskatte formue i tillegg til den allerede eksisterende globale skattleggingen av inntekter. Den norske formuesskatt utgjør et interessant eksempel siden formuesskatten fremstår som en bærebjelke i et velfungerende skattesystem. Derfor arrangerer vi en 2-dagers workshop for unge og etablerte forskere om dette temaet, for å produsere ny kunnskap og bevissthet om relevansen av denne politiske debatten.

The event “Lofoten International Symposium on Inequality and Taxation” is relevant under the NFR program “Skatteøkonomisk forskning”. The event will focus upon one of the currently most debated fields in taxation and economic policy: whether and how we should tax wealth in addition to the already in place global taxation of incomes. The Norwegian wealth tax experience constitutes an interesting benchmark in this respect, since the wealth tax appears to be a pillar of a well-functioning tax system. Interestingly, in 2019 the municipality of Bø in the North of Norway was allowed to reduce the statutory tax rate, creating a wedge between their total wealth tax rate and the one in place in the rest of the countries.

