Utgangspunktet for prosjektet er økt maritim trafikk i Arktis, og den risikoen det vil medføre dersom uhellet skulle være ute, både for atomdrevne fartøy og fartøy som fører radioaktiv last. Offentlig frykt og angst forbundet med stråling og radioaktiv forurensning vil påvirke risikovurderinger og krisehåndteringer.
Forskningsprosjektet «Collaboration Complexity in Nuclear Emergency Preparedness in the Maritime Arctic», ATOMEX, gjennomføres i samarbeid med finske Laurea University of Applied Sciences, og tyske Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services. Direktoratet for strålevern og atomsikkerhet og Hovedredningssentralen Norge er bidragsytere i samme prosjekt, og er med på å utvikle kunnskap om samvirke i komplekse operasjoner.
The increased maritime transportation, flow of goods and populations changes the risk picture in the Arctic. A recent sharp increase in nuclear-powered vessels and ships transporting spent nuclear fuel and radioactive materials adds new uncertainties into risk assessments and challenges of inter-sectoral collaboration complexity in case of response to maritime radiation emergencies in the Arctic.
In the research project «Collaboration Complexity in Nuclear Emergency Preparedness in the Maritime Arctic», ATOMEX, we are establishing the international academic interdisciplinary partnership between universities of three countries - Nord University, Laurea University of Applied Sciences and Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics & Services, supported by non-academic stakeholders — Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority and Joint Rescue Coordination Center Northern Norway.
ATOMEX project builds shared knowledge on collaboration competences and risk evaluation within Arctic maritime nuclear preparedness and response operations. The project aims, through case analyses, to generate knowledge-based research on preparedness complexity in the Arctic a shared understanding of risk evaluation between communities, search and rescue and radiation safety authorities, and the maritime industry. The project focuses on exercise methods that can enhance collaboration competences to meet the challenges of emergency response complexity. The project also aims to design a new intelligent algorithm-based model to support decision making in Arctic waters, as well as interactive browser-based data visualization.