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AGRISOCIAL: Towards a socially sustainable green transition for agriculture and rural communities

Alternativ tittel: Agrisocial: Fram mot eit sosialt berekraftig grønt skifte for norsk landbruk og norske distrikt.

Tildelt: kr 11,9 mill.

Korleis kan det grøne skiftet bli sosialt berekraftig for norsk jordbruk og i norske bygder? Dette er det overordna spørsmålet me stiller i dette prosjektet. Prosjektet er i gange med å sjå på korleis vidare gåande utdanning kan vera ein motor for både det grøne skiftet og robuste lokalsamfunn. Arbeid med indikatorar for sosial berekraft som er tilpassa norske forhald er også i gang, og dette har vorte diskutert og testa ut saman med brukarpartnarane i prosjektet gjennom ein såkalla "living lab". Netste living lab møte skal utførast hausten 2024. Vidare skal prosjektet no i gang med å utforska korleis gardsovertaking kan fremma berekraftige praksisar på gardane, og arbeid med å sjå på korleis sosial berekraft vert forstått i jordbrukspolitikken er i gang.

Ensuring a sustainable green transition in the agriculture and food sector in Norway requires that ALL aspects of sustainability – environmental, economic and social – are addressed. However, it is widely acknowledged that concept of social sustainability is relatively poorly understood. This is problematic. Authorities in Norway observe a sustainable green transition is reliant on the social processes that ensure sustainable and thriving rural communities and businesses. To address this gap, AGRISOCIAL focuses on three of the key aspects of social sustainability that recent events in Norway (The Rural Rebellion (2017-2019) and The Farmer’s Rebellion (2021-)) suggest may prove problematic for the green transition, namely: equity, resilience, and quality of life. Working closely with stakeholders AGRISOCIAL examines (1) the policy framework around equitable rural communities (2) the relationship between economic performance, social sustainability indicators, and the green transition (3) how the green transition might support social sustainability in farm families (4) how the green transition influences quality of life in rural communities (5) practical social sustainability indicators for the green transition and (6) possible policies for promoting a socially sustainable green transition. AGRISOCIAL will produce internationally relevant research that addresses the issue of how social sustainability in farms and rural communities supports and is supported by the green transition. At the same time, engagement with rural businesses and stakeholders via a transdisciplinary living lab ensures policy outcomes that are tailored for Norway – in particular, the co-development of social sustainability indicators for industry application. In this way, it will help ensure that the green transition addresses today’s sustainability challenges and creates rural communities that are equitable, resilient and offer a high quality of life.

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