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SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Coordinating efforts to establish distributed acoustic sensing for cryoseismological research in Svalbard

Tildelt: kr 0,19 mill.




2022 - 2023

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Cryoseismology is devoted to studying ground shaking occurring due to glacial and permafrost related processes. It intends to characterize mechanisms and temporal variations taking place in the shallow subsurface that is heavily affected by increasing temperatures, especially in the Arctic. SIOS SESS Report 2019 recommends the usage of new technologies such as fibre-optic distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) to further develop ongoing cryoseismological research in Svalbard. Developing cooperation within SSG is aimed towards establishing DAS as a tool for monitoring the cryosphere in Svalbard. SSG will also enable project group members to exchange ideas and equipment, deepen mutual engagement into ongoing research topics, collectively plan the future strategy, and promote using DAS to Svalbard's reasearch community. Experts from the fields of cryoseismology, glaciology and permafrost research from Svalbard and other locations will be invited to join discussions and advisory panels. Panel discussions with DAS practitioners and cryoseismology experts will provide feedback on the current state of the art and advise on the future implementation of DAS in Svalbard. Engaging experts from outside the Svalbard community will aid to place cryoseismological research in Svalbard in a global perspective and promote wider recognition of its advances. Involving interdisciplinary contributors from within-Svalbard locations via technology demonstrations is planned. That will assure a broad, fully-aware outlook into opportunities that the Svalbard research community may have from establishing DAS monitoring. It will also guarantee a collective construction of an integrated, interdisciplinary research proposal for funding the DAS implementation. We also plan to seek cooperation with industrial partners, Svalbard telecommunication companies, to explore opportunities of accessing already laid, ocean-bottom fibers, that may improve the quality of regional cryoseismological monitoring.


SSF-Svalbard Science Forum