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SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Network For meteORologiCal Expertise in Svalbard

Tildelt: kr 0,37 mill.




2022 - 2025

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Numerous sectors in Svalbard, such as transportation, tourism, search and rescue operations and scientific fieldwork, are dependent on accurate and reliable weather predictions in high spatial and temporal resolution. The network project N-FORCES will meet this need by examining the feasibility of hyper-scale numerical weather prediction (NWP) for research and operational purposes and by sharing meteorological modelling, observational and forecasting expertise in Svalbard between the partners. N-FORCES will build a pilot study of a NWP model on a grid with a horizontal resolution of 500 meters in the area covering the Spitsbergen based on user-needs. The project will investigate available data sets, current practices for archiving and sharing the observational data, and find ways to share the data within the project and beyond. Developments on the model set-up and sharing of observational data will be applied for production of hyper-resolution forecasts. Local observational data sets will be used for model evaluation and for understanding key local processes in this environment. This allows the project to provide guidelines for next-generation hyper-resolution weather prediction in Svalbard that enhances the modelling and predictive capacities in the Arctic for the benefit of activities in Svalbard.

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SSF-Svalbard Science Forum