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KLIMAFORSK-Stort program klima

Supply-side and demand-side perspectives on climate policies

Tildelt: kr 62 999




2022 - 2023

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Prof. Böhringer will stay in Oslo to take part in a research camp including researchers from University of Oldenburg, SSB and NMBU. Its purpose is to gain significant progress in an initiated international collaboration project. The project addresses the different consequences of mitigating carbon from the demand vs. supply-side, or both. The demand-side approach is adapted in most existing international and national climate policies, however, recent political and academic debates have reflected the benefits of also approaching abatement from the supply side by restricting the extraction of fossil fuels. This project aims at methodological and empirical renewal of the research frontier in this still sparsely focused field. Close collaboration with Prof. Böhringer is key to the success of this project. He is a world-leading expert on Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modelling methods and analysis of climate policies. We expect his practical methodological insight, creative approach and impressive overview of the knowledge frontier within national and international climate policies to significantly lift the quality and visibility of the research. Moreover, the collaboration has the potential to spur more international collaboration, by fostering new initiatives, gain attention from stakeholders, and attract new colleagues from our networks into further research cooperation. During his stay, Prof. Böhringer will contribute in the supervision of a new research fellow that is being recruited these days. He will also meet with other Norwegian researchers and analysts; we plan to organise meetings and open seminars inviting, inter alia, relevant representatives from NTNU, Ministry of Finance, Vista Analyse, NMBU and SSB. They all have in common the use of CGE models for climate policy analysis and essential learning and inspiration from Prof. Böhringer. We expect spillovers from Prof. Böhringer’s stay on their ongoing projects as well as on future initiatives.


KLIMAFORSK-Stort program klima