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BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena

RAGAFLOOR - Research on the Automated Generation of Architectural Floor-plans

Alternativ tittel: RAGAFLOOR - Forskning på automatisert generering av arkitektoniske plantegninger

Tildelt: kr 9,9 mill.





2023 - 2025

Midlene er mottatt fra:



Det er gjort alvorlige fremskritt, spesielt med å inkludere ytterligere regulatoriske kontroller av genererte plantegninger og raskere gjenkjennelse av eksisterende bygninger og objekter i dem som kan gjenbrukes i den layoutgenerative løsningen.

This project is focused on pushing the boundaries of state of the art research in architecture and automation by exploring options for algorithmic and fully automated development of early-stage architectural office floor plans. In addition to our team full of PhDs we work together with some of Norway's best researchers and international published authors in the field of architecture and IT. The industry relevance will be ensured with the involvement of some of the largest Nordic- and global real-estate companies who have agreed to be involved in this project by providing continuous feedback and input. Our solutions will shorten a process of weeks of back-and-forth between relevant stakeholders to mere seconds, during which a large variety of options can be evaluated instantly. Computers and algorithms benefit from extensive processing power, dealing with long lists of personal, architectural and regulatory constraints much faster than humans can comprehend. This project focuses on combining the opportunities that technology can provide with a sense of human touch in whatever is generated.


BIA-Brukerstyrt innovasjonsarena