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MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offshore operasjoner 2

NHH shipping conference - LeaderSHIP 2022 8th November

Tildelt: kr 0,15 mill.




2022 - 2023



As a business school, one of the key mandates of the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) is to have an impact in Norwegian society and our key industries. As part of our effort to disseminate relevant and applied research to the industry, NHH has a long-standing tradition of arranging annual shipping conferences for the industry. The 2018, 2019 and 2021 LeaderShip conferences, sponsored in part by the Research Council, were highly successful with around 120 - 180 attendees and high-level speakers such as the Norwegian minister of industry and the CEO of the Norwegian Shipowners' Association. Today, maritime companies – both in Norway and internationally - are struggling to adapt to an extremely complex and challenging geopolitical and macroeconomic picture, as well as planned and potential environmental regulations. The conference is needed to provide knowledge that will be useful to addressing these challenges for the maritime industry and, by extension, the Norwegian society. The conference targets attendees from regional and national shipping companies, academics and researchers from R&D institutions with maritime activities, policymakers and representatives of maritime technology start-ups. Historically, trade and industry has been dominant in the audience (80%+) but we also encourage students from NHH and elsewhere to attend at a discounted rate. The full-day conference (09:00 – 15:45) planned for November 8, 2022, is divided into three parts with a lunch in the middle. The sessions each consist of 3-5 keynote talks from industry and researchers. A preliminary programme with details has been uploaded as “Other” files in the online grant application. Project owner NHH is outsourcing the implementation of the event to subcontractor Maritime Bergen (teknisk arrangør), including promotion (website development, promotional material), preparing the conference location, making travel arrangements for speakers, registration of participants etc.


MAROFF-2-Maritim virksomhet og offshore operasjoner 2