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AeroAid: Drones for a more efficient Norwegian healthcare service

Tildelt: kr 0,25 mill.

The focus of the pre-project is to explore the potential value of using drones in healthcare. The pre-project will delimit applications of drone transportation to transport of biological samples to and from hospitals and home delivery. First, the project will hold a seminar with the project team and other relevant parties to align the scope and plan for the pre-project and determine which users and stakeholders to involve to map out user needs. Thereafter, we will identify and reach out to the necessary competence missing in the project team in order to form a strong consortium for the main project. Furthermore, we will perform an analysis of user needs and challenges related to current logistics solutions and drone transportation in collaboration with laboratories, primary and specialist healthcare providers, and other relevant parties. In addition, the project team will carry out a risk and feasibility study of the integration of drone transportation with hospital infrastructure and home delivery. To ensure a successful main project, the project team will also determine the appropriate approach, ambition level, and goals for the main project. This includes creating a plan of how to involve users and stakeholders in the main project. Finally, the project team will write a concluding report about the activities and findings in the pre-project.




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