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TRANSPORT-Transport 2025

Automatic Monitoring of Electronic Road signs towards smart roads (AutoMERS)

Alternativ tittel: Automatisk overvåkning av elektroniske veiskilt

Tildelt: kr 7,3 mill.





2023 - 2025

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Elektroniske veiskilt (EV) er i dag teknologisk avanserte, med grafikk og tekst som gjør det lettere for trafikanter å forholde seg til informasjon og varsler. Ytre eller indre påvirkning av det elektroniske systemet kan imidlertid føre til feilfunksjon. Overvåking av trafikkskilt, inkludert EV, utføres i dag manuelt gjennom periodisk visuell inspeksjon av operatører, og informasjonen lagres senere ved hjelp av IT-systemer. I dette prosjektet skal partnerskapet utvikle sensorikk og kommunikasjonsløsninger for overvåkning av mikromiljøet i kapslingene. Vårt mål med AutoMERS er å utvikle og industrialisere verdens første system for overvåking av elektroniske veiskilt for å lette avviksdeteksjon og effektivisere vedlikeholdet.

Many ERS today are technologically advanced, with graphics and text that make it easier for the motorist to detect and implement their alerts and instructions. However, faults in the electronic system can cause ERS to malfunction, shut down or decrease their lifespan. Monitoring of traffic signs, including ERS, is currently performed manually through periodical visual inspection by operators and the information is later stored using IT systems. To our knowledge, no sensors exist today that can be placed inside ERS and monitor the microenvironment of the enclosures, specifically overheating (fire potential) or corrosion hazard. Our aim within AutoMERS is to develop and industrialise the world’s first system for monitoring of ERS to facilitate anomaly detection and streamline their maintenance. Our solution will be based on: a) a novel method to determine overheating and risk of fire from electronic devices based on detecting traces of hydrogen chloride (HCl) released by cables (containing Cl- groups) or PCBAs; b) a new method for continuous and non-intrusive monitoring of corrosion based on selected microenvironment measurements within ERS enclosures affecting the integrity of their elements; c) a new hardware product to be installed in ERS enclosures consisting of a miniature and cost-efficient sensor system that includes novel overheating and corrosion sensors, state-of-the-art (SoA) sensors for positioning, acceleration, temperature, humidity, etc. and a low-energy communication solution based on narrowband-internet of things (NB-IoT) protocols; d) a new service for remotely monitoring ERS based on intelligent AutoMERS software enabling early warning of failures while predicting maintenance needs; e) improved processes for ERS maintenance based on AI data analysis that will generate and update new knowledge on the ERS performance and lifetime.


TRANSPORT-Transport 2025