The 5-day Clean Energy Research week (CERCH) entails the organization of a physical event spread across three Indian cities (in New Delhi, Gujarat, and Telangana) from 27th March – 31st March 2023. SIN shall conduct the event with the aim to enhance collaboration with Indian stakeholders working in the domain of clean energy and low-emission transport. The objective of the 5-day event is to crystallize new collaboration with Indian stakeholders and deepen engagement with existing collaborators from India. CERCH will facilitate the engagement of SIN and the other Norwegian entities with Indian research organizations, large businesses, startups, and other energy companies. The event will contribute to deepening Norway's understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the Indian energy sector and facilitate zeroing in on research topics of mutual interest. Furthermore, it will also provide an opportunity for SIN to explore the possibility of commercializing its research projects in the Indian markets. This event shall support the enhancement of the research competency of SIN and help uncover complementary competencies with Indian stakeholders. The project will advance the Norway-India collaboration as envisaged in the PANORAMA strategy and Norway's 2030 vision towards India.