Fishbones' Multilateral Stimulation Technology for hydrokarbon- og geotermiske reservoarer er en veletablert metode i det globale simuleringsmarkedet. Fishbones-løsninger for karbonat- og sandstein-/klastiske reservoarer er utviklet i samarbeid med store E&P-selskaper. Systemet er installert som en del av en tradisjonell produksjonstreng med Fishbones-verktøy plassert slik at de lander i sonene med ønsket stimulering. Med sirkulasjon fra riggpumpene vil mange rør med liten diameter (lateraler) jette eller bore ut samtidig fra brønnhullet for å penetrere reservoaret, og generere mange lateraler.
De genererte lateralene er begrenset til å øke borehullets dreneringsradius med 10 meter. Den planlagte innovasjonen tar sikte på å øke maksimal dreneringsradius to ganger (20 meter).
Prosjektet har som mål å øke ressursutvinningen effektivt og bærekraftig. Å redusere antall nødvendige brønner for feltutnyttelse bidrar til en betydelig reduksjon i klimagassutslipp. Som et levedyktig alternativ til teknologier med høyt CO2 fotavtrykk som hydraulisk oppsprekking, tilbyr den en mer miljøvennlig tilnærming for å oppnå optimal ressursutvinning.
Fishbones' Multilateral Stimulation Technology for hydrocarbon and geothermal reservoirs with accuracy and efficiency is a well-established method in the global simulation market. Developed in cooperation with major E&P companies, Fishbones solutions for carbonate and sandstone/clastic reservoirs are both fields proven.
The system is installed as a part of a traditional production casing string with Fishbones tools placed so that they land in the zones of desired stimulation. With circulation from the rig pumps, many small diameter tubes (laterals) jet or drill out simultaneously from the wellbore to penetrate the reservoir, creating numerous laterals. The entire operation can be completed in less than 12 hours and does not require specialized fluids or pumps. The primary application for this technology is to increase the productivity index of a well by connecting the wellbore to the reservoir with as many as 200 laterals. These laterals drain layers or faults and increase the reservoir exposure, increasing production rate and recovery.
The created laterals are limited to increasing the wellbore drainage radius by 10 meters. The planned innovation aims to increase the maximum drainage radius by two times (20 meters). Once the improved Fishbones stimulation is developed, the project partner and other customers can potentially directly replace hydraulic fracturing applications with the more economical, efficient, and environmentally friendly Fishbones technology.
The most critical R&D challenge is to adapt each component of the Fishbones Drilling Needle to withstand the increased drill length required in terms of wearing, erosion, and fatigue damage. Several major components must be re-designed, tested, and qualified in a simulated downhole environment.