Konferansen og sommerskolen for Society of Experimental Finance ble arrangert på Universitetet i Stavanger i juni 2024. For første gang inkluderte arrangementet en nettverkssamling med fokus på kvinner i finans. Målet med dette initiativet var å tilby mentorordning for unge kvinnelige forskere, samt skape en møteplass for kvinnene i finans i regionen.
Under arrangementet var det et panel som inkluderte internasjonale seniorforskere og regionale næringslivsledere fra selskaper som HitecVision, DSD og Herfo Finans, hvor paneldeltakerne delte sine erfaringer, diskuterte barrierer de har møtt og/eller møter, og hvordan de har overvunnet dem. Det var en aktiv utveksling av ideer mellom panelet og deltakerne. Vi mener at dette var et veldig viktig initiativ, siden frafallet fra førsteamanuensis til professorer for kvinner i finans er nesten 60%.
Konferansen vår hadde også kun kvinnelige hovedtalere, noe som er sjeldent innen dette feltet. Videre var hovedtalerne fra ikke-eksperimentelle felt, med mål om å danne bedre forbindelser mellom tradisjonelle finansmetoder og den eksperimentelle tilnærmingen. Denne tverrfaglige tilnærmingen er avgjørende for å øke vår forståelse av finansmarkedene.
The outcomes of the proposal are :
1. Disseminate scientific findings regarding the impact of financial markets on the society.
2. Improve the understanding of ethical issues in financial markets.
3. Enhance the gender diversity in the finance field.
4. An interdisciplinary dialogue between the different methodologies in our field.
The impacts of the proposal are:
1. Help policymakers and practitioners select appropriate policies to improve the functioning of financial markets.
2. Propose new policies to enhance the ethics of the financial system.
3. Contribute to the formation of new researchers that use novel methods of tackling new challenges in the financial sector.
The project consists of two parts: (1) Ph.D. summer school and (2) annual world meetings for the Society of Experimental Finance in June 2024. About 500 people are currently members of the Society for Experimental Finance (website: https://www.experimentalfinance.org/home). Both activities present and discuss topics relevant to the function and ethics of financial markets.
The Summer School brings together 30 Ph.D. students from around the world for an intensive 2-day workshop, offered by experts in the field. The summer school is scheduled for 8-10 June, 2024. Olga Rud (Project Manager) offered a module for the 2023 Summer School, and for 2024 Olga plans to teach jointly with other experts. Nadya Malenko (Boston College) has already confirmed her participation in both the summer school, and the conference, as a keynote speaker. Michaela Pagel (Washington University) and Elena Asparouhova (U. Utah) have confirmed their participation as well.
The Conference follows the Summer School with about 80 scientific contributions and 3 female keynote speakers. The topics for this year are centred on Corporate Governance. The conference is scheduled for 10-13 June, 2024. The sessions combine presentations from Ph.D students and Professors.
In addition to the scientific presentations, the conference includes a novel mentoring session: women in finance. We have also confirmed the participation of the Stavanger Chamber of Commerce Finance Network. The session seeks to improve the diversity in the field and industry, and facilitate networking among the underrepresented groups.