BRAVO (Barents Sea Arctic Cenozoic Evolution and Paleogeographical Reconstructions) aims to reconstruct the Barents Sea Gateway since the Cenozoic (the last 66 Myr).
To do so, BRAVO’s objectives are to 1) reveal the effect of sediment loading–unloading, lithospheric strength, and surface-mantle processes on shaping the Cenozoic paleobathymetry-topography of Barents Sea, to 2) constrain the timing of the formation of the BSG, to 3) identify the interplay between climate dynamics and tectonics in erosion and deposition of sediments in the paleo-Barents Sea, and (4) compare the development of the BSG and Fram Strait, as well as the regional to global consequences of the Arctic-Atlantic shallow water connection.
BRAVO will achieve these objectives by numerical modelling (inc. finite element and volumetric methods) using open-source platforms of pyGPlates, pyBadlands and high-resolution 2D–3D seismic, well, gravity and magnetic data analyses. BRAVO’s results will be self-consistent 4D Earth models (space and time) of paleobathymetry-topography of Barents Sea Gateway and corresponding sedimentary pathways and accumulation. BRAVO’s ambition is to provide the most reliable paleobathymetric-topographic reconstruction of the Barents Sea Gateway for the Cenozoic. BRAVO will quantify the role of Barents Sea Gateway in exchanging Atlantic–Arctic water, highlight the significance of erosion–deposition of sediments in shaping the gateway, and form the basis for updated global oceanographic and climatic simulations. BRAVO’s pioneering model of the complete Cenozoic source-to-sink analysis for the regional Barents Sea will be a breakthrough for Arctic seabed characterization for offshore wind turbines and mapping slope failure geohazards."