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SSF-Svalbard Science Forum

Chemical composition and conditions of cryoconite hole water and melting channels on glaciers with runoff to the Kongsfjorden System

Tildelt: kr 27 355

Main objective of this project is a detailed analysis of snow and supraglacial meltwater, including potential alterations in the transition of supraglacial snow to water, as well as potential alterations in the transition of water in isolated to connected cryoconite holes to meltwater channels. Cryoconite hole water and snow samples will be taken from Vestre Brøggerbreen, Austre Brøggerbreen and Midtre Lovénbreen, as these glaciers are well accessible and among the best studied. Physical parameters such as turbidity and conductivity, pH, elemental composition, organic and inorganic carbon, as well as several ions will be analyzed. The fieldwork is part of my planned master project at NTNU Trondheim.


SSF-Svalbard Science Forum