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IKTPLUSS-IKT og digital innovasjon

8th Workshop on Molecular Communications

Tildelt: kr 67 926




2023 - 2024

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The 8th Workshop on Molecular Communications will be held in Rikshopitalet, from 10-12 April 2024. It will host researchers working in the field of Molecular Communications. The field is analysing new communications systems which are approaching the possibility of interacting with biological processes using molecules. This is a step toward establishing the interface with digital systems and establishing an exciting fresh area in telecommunications. Exciting applications of this new communication technology are expected to facilitate interdisciplinary applications. Moreover, the need for less detrimental environmental effects may allow further exploration of the field in the pharma industry investigating the optimisation of drug delivery, discovery, and development. The Workshop will be a venue for researchers to present their ongoing works in the form of abstracts and letters. The authors will be provided with the possibility to submit extended papers to the IEEE Trans. Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications. The participants will present their scientific works at the Workshop. The Workshop will host a special session devoted to the COST action DYNALIFE. Prof. Balasingham is an active member of the DYNALIFE working groups. The Norwegian Management Committee member, Prof. Atle Magnar Bones is endorsing the workshop, together with the project coordinator Dr. Diego L. Gonzalez. The participants, including the Norwegian scientists will be invited to participate with the offset costs potentially covered by the RCN, and will be connected to this initiative. Novel ideas will be discussed and initial actions to set up a new COST action proposal on molecular communications will be taken. Apart from technical sessions where the participant contributions will be presented, the workshop will host the keynote talks from Prof. Phillip C. Yang (Stanford University) and Prof. Robert Schober (Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg).


IKTPLUSS-IKT og digital innovasjon