This proposal is for partial funding of the Polar Academy's 2024 summer school in Svalbard aimed at international Phd students and postdocs. The summer school provides a venue for internatiional scholars to discuss how what happens in the Arctic and Antarctic has global implications. Modern phenomena such as globalization, climate change and transboundary pollution have brought the polar regions into global webs of science, commerce, security and geopolitics. To identify and discuss the points of connections within and across the natural-, social- and humanistic sciences is the intrinsic core of the term Global Arctic and also the working mode of the Summer school. The summer school does not award formal credits, and is not involved in regular university currcula, but is arranged in close cooperation with UNIS in Longyearbyen. It offers an intense ten day course of lectures, seminars, groups work and field visits in Svalbard to 20 international PhD students and postdocs adressing the complex and interdiciplinary challenges in a rapidly changing Arctic.
The 2024 school will have a strong focus on connections between the Arctic and Antarctic in terms of ocean and sea-ice systems, climate change, transboundary pollution The school will benefits strongly from the contributions of international lecturers, and we receive support in planning and implementation from a range of institutions including UArctic and SCAR.