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2nd Tax Transparency Conference

Alternativ tittel: Den andre konferansen om skattetransparens

Tildelt: kr 29 999

NoCeT og NHH arrangerte den andre konferansen om skattemessig åpenhet, som var i samarbeid med TRR266 Accounting for Transparency og Fair Tax Foundation. Arrangementet fant sted 3. desember 2024. Unndragelse og unngåelse av skatt er et globalt problem som fratar regjeringer og samfunnet som helhet betydelig inntekt som er nødvendig for å finansiere offentlige goder. OECD argumenterer at åpenhet om skatt er et nøkkelverktøy for å takle skatteunndragelse og -unngåelse. Som et resultat har flere initiativ for skattetransparens blitt lansert. I tillegg til politikere krever også investorer nå økende åpenhet om skatteinformasjon. Siden skatt representerer en stadig viktigere del av selskapets bærekrafts-agenda, er dette i tråd med aksjeeieres generelle fokus på selskapets initiativer for miljø, sosiale forhold og styring (ESG). Representanter fra akademia, og industri og regjeringen kom sammen for å diskutere fordelene og begrensningene ved eksisterende initiativ for skattetransparens og hvordan fremtiden for åpenhet rundt skatt vil se ut. Beskrivelsen av arrangementet er tilgjengelig på NHHs nettside, her: https://www.nhh.no/en/calendar/business-and-management-science/conference-on-tax-transparency/ Her er lenken til konferanseprogrammet: https://www.nhh.no/globalassets/centres/nocet/seminars-and-events/2024/program-2nd-conference-on-tax-transparency.pdf

Impact We invested a significant amount of time in promoting the conference. NoCeT, TRR266 Accounting for Transparency and Fair Tax Foundation have been all very active in promoting the event within the network and through social media (Twitter and LinkedIn). Thanks to this, we had more than 100 registered participants (around 50 on campus and the remaining online) which included senior and junior researchers, industry, NGOs and policymaker representatives (especially several representatives from the tax authorities and head of tax department in large international companies). The conference took place on campus but in a hybrid format (it was also streamed live via zoom). Key takeaways Overall last decades witness the launched of several tax transparency initiatives, new ones are becoming reality like the global framework for reporting on crypto assets or the EU reporting duty on real time VAT transactions. This has been thanks to on the one side regulatory trends and on the other side pressure from stakeholders like the general public and NGOs also incentivized voluntary disclosure of tax affairs. More tax information is needed (especially on real estate), it needs to be collected faster (more real time data) and it needs to be high quality (improvements are needed especially on beneficial ownership information). But we also need a balance between creating a overcomplex and costly system for taxpayers (more harmonization across reporting standard is crucial) and ensuring that all important information are collected from companies, individuals and intermediaries. Dissemination: The NHH media team wrote an article about the conference which has been disseminated through social media and received significant attention. The article is here: https://www.nhh.no/en/nhh-bulletin/article-archive/2024/december/how-tax-transparency-can-shape-fairer-financial-systems/ We shared it for example through our LinkedIn account and achieved significant engagement (we have more than 50 likes within the first 24 hours and it was reposted 8 times with several comments). The organizing institutions received tremendous visibility through this conference, and this event enabled us to position as a leader in the discussion around the topic of tax transparency. We are very grateful for the received funds.

I am applying for funding needed to support the organization of the 2nd tax transparency conference on December 3, 2024. The event will be hybrid and will take place on campus at NHH Norwegian School of Economics and online via zoom. Overall, the topic of this conference will be about tax transparency as an effective tool to reduce tax avoidance and evasion. Tax avoidance and evasion is a global problem which deprives governments and society as a whole of the substantial revenue highly needed to finance public spending. As stated by the OECD, tax transparency is a key policy tool to tackle tax evasion and avoidance. As a result, several tax transparency initiatives have been launched. Beyond policymakers also investors are increasingly demanding more disclosure of tax information. This is inline with the overall focus of shareholders on company’s environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives since tax represents an increasingly important component of a company’s ESG agenda. The payment of taxes is a powerful indicator of the financial impact a company has on society and recent shareholders’ voting behavior demonstrated the necessity of companies to provide more information on their tax payments and tax risk profile.

