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Sustainable European Healthcare systems integrating Organisation, Professionals and Patient

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In near future, workforce shortage will be the biggest challenge facing the healthcare system in Europe and globally. This is alongside the need to stabilize or decrease healthcare financing, and for more economically sustainable and resource efficient high quality of care. To address the complex factors this Action proposes the concept of HOPP anchored in systems thinking and considers simultaneously balancing three pillars: Worker wellbeing, Quality of care, Organization. The HOPP COST action provide an approach for long term European solutions on how to target the totality of challenges in healthcare for academics, healthcare leaders, policy makers, stakeholders in healthcare and the civil society. Therefore, it is important to generate knowledge on HOPP practices; how interdisciplinary HOPP concept and methodology can be implemented into policies, practices and project across all healthcare settings; building shared transdisciplinary learning and communities of practice at all levels in healthcare, from scholars to the healthcare workforce, leaders and policymakers; and providing support and learning on how to transform knowledge into practice. The Action will assemble an EU network of multidisciplinary researchers and practice-partners, promoting cross-national and transdisciplinary learning, actively cooperating towards sustainable long-term solutions. Project knowledge is directly translated to practice via a learning community that continuously and proactively engages stakeholders and policymakers to facilitate applying the HHC model to improve processes, projects, policies. this will facilitate the uptake of the HOPP approach locally, nationally, and internationally (WG2 and WG3). The HOPP COST Action aim for sustainable long-term solutions to recruit and retain a resilient healthy workforce, while maintaining high quality patient care and cost-effective organization of service across the EU healthcare systems.
