The project aims to develop and demonstrate an overarching holistic framework for assuring safety, resilience, and security of waterborne cyber-physical systems considering all the phases of concept design, detailed design and lifetime operation. This entails developing and verify novel methods to support the framework including cyber risk assessment, software reliability and AI algorithms trustworthiness, test scenarios identification, uncertainty quantification and a detailed test strategies comprising various combinations of simulation tests and physical tests. An important aspect of the framework is to develop and demonstrate a modular assurance approach as well as to develop and verify a tool for monitoring and management safety, resilience and security metrics during the waterborne asset’s lifetime. A technology outlook will be conducted to determine trends and map the advancement of technologies until 2040. In paralell, a detailed gap analysis will be conducted, and seen in relation with the technology outlook, enable the identification of gaps and shortcoming in the maritime domain on how safety-critical, complex, cyber-physical systems are managed, and intends to identify improvements drawing from experience from other high-risk sectors, such as aviation, nuclear, etc. Reference architectures for waterborne autonomous ecosystem will be developed and customized to twouse-cases and their architectures that will be used to validate the developed framework. This also entails the definition of functional requirements, specifications and KPIs and the development of their baseline designs. The related technology-hardware and software stack, such as perception, planning and related HMI interfaces as well as communication will be developed and scrutinized using the developed framework and related processes, methods and tools, where a final improved design will be suggested with relevant safety, resilience and security measures.