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Safe3D: Safe 3D Object Detection For Robotics

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2024 - 2025



The overall vision of the Safe3D Accelerator project is to prototype, certify, pilot and commercialise our novel 3D ultrasonic sensor technology, to deliver unprecedented safety for autonomous mobile robots (AMRs). The patented (EP3735596B1, WO2023187419A1, WO2022162405A1) ultrasonic transducer housing, indoor object imaging capabilities and velocity detection, enable accurate real-time position and velocity data to correctly navigate and avoid potential collisions. With just 2 of our miniaturised sensors, AMRs have full 360º Field of View in 3D. Affordable to all AMR OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers), Safe3D will replace the bulky, expensive and limited LiDAR sensors for safety zone and obstacle protection, delivering 3D sensing and enhanced safety. Moreover, their compactness provides easy integration and implementation into systems compared to the complex setup and calibration of LiDAR. The data generated by the Safe3D ultrasonic sensor requires less real-time computational processing power than LiDAR’s high-resolution point cloud data. Our sensors are also more robust, operating reliably in a wider range of conditions (temperature, dust, humidity, etc.). Finally, combining our sound-derived data with vision will give depth information to 2D images, giving full perception so that robots can navigate complex surroundings, adjusting and operating like humans. Our Safe3D technology has a major market potential compared to current technologies. To increase our commercial success and impact, we have created a Strategic Business Plan, as a detailed roadmap, describing all necessary activities to ensure a successful market introduction. Now, we seek to develop our Commercialisation Plan (CP), an important part of the final Business Innovation Plan (BIP) to be created in this Accelerator project. As the envisaged Accelerator project builds upon a validated prototype technology, most of our efforts will be focused on piloting and commercialisation activities.
