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SAMRISK-2-Samfunnssikkerhet og risiki

Relating Systems Thinking and Design Symposium (RSD13)

Tildelt: kr 0

Systemic designers—academics, practitioners, and researchers—collectively contribute to furthering systemic design as an interdiscipline that joins systems thinking to design methodology. The aims of the RSD collection include supporting an international knowledge-sharing network of systemic designers. Symposium as RSD13 will contribute to the understanding of systems and how to design them for the cases of emergency and crises, thus contributing in creating innovative approaches, models and practice on how to tackle such challenges. This on the other hand will share the best practices among the experts, government officials, practitioners, researchers, and third sector to name a few. All these themes handled in the conference are systemic, influenced by crisis and risk. Thus, it is important to recognize how we, by design, improve social systems to change these systems in a positive way. The main events will take place in 2024, but the related operations will continue till spring 2025. This is why costs are distributed between the last quarter of 2024 and the first quarter of 2025.


SAMRISK-2-Samfunnssikkerhet og risiki