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MARINFORSKHAV-Marine ressurser og miljø - havmiljø

The sea is the walls of my home

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The film about Jann Sandøy will focus on coastal identity, intergenerational learning, living cultural heritage, sustainable future imaginations and ocean literacy. This project strengthens and shows the values encapsulated in coastal identity through co-creation (art & science) and increases empathy across and towards our ocean, both locally and internationally to a broad audience. In this way, the project will contribute to reaching the goals of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, specifically in terms of increasing ocean literacy through new forms of collaboration between science, the arts and culture sector, and the school sector. The project specifically contributes to goal 10 of the Norwegian priority areas for the Ocean Decade: “Everyone understands the ocean” as described in the document The UN Decade of Ocean Science - Proposed priority areas, pointing out that “(c) ooperation is needed between scientists, ocean industries, communication experts, the arts and culture sector and the school sector. International cooperation is also needed to provide inspiration and to boost international understanding of the ocean.” The short documentary film about Jann explores questions related to social and cultural sustainability of coastal communities in transition, through Jann's life on Sandøy and coastal childhood (youth) on the islands in Træna. The aim is to shed light on the shifting and dynamic interplay between education, knowledge production and society in coastal environments from an intergenerational perspective. The documentary raises societal awareness of the ocean's value and inspires behavioural change for a sustainable future, while safeguarding tangible and intangible coastal heritage. A short teaser can be seen by clicking on the link below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPs1cIQWnD4 Note: The documentary will be with video/moving images (this teaser is with pictures and audio).


MARINFORSKHAV-Marine ressurser og miljø - havmiljø