0 projects

IS-RUS-Stipendprogram for NVRussl.

Sergeeva, Angelina RUS04/05-35


Awarded: NOK 29,000

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Akershus

MILJØ2015-Norsk miljøforskning mot 2015

LAND: Spatial economic analyses in wildlife management

In this project I will explore how continuous spatial distributions of habitat may be applied to explain the spatial distribution of a species with high economic value - the moose. Continuous habitat distributions may be estimated from spatial data for in stance by the use of Kernel methods. The ...

Awarded: NOK 1.6 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2007

Location: Oslo


Pharmacologization of food and feeding: an ethnographic study of everyday food in transition

Food and hence feeding is focal in the public discourse on risk and (ill)health. At present, food is undergoing what we may refer to as pharmacologization; that is, food is conceptualised in terms of its relation to the health of the human person who eats it. Although the medical application of ...

Awarded: NOK 2.1 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2008

Location: Oslo

FORNY-3-Kommersialisering av FoUresultater

Quantitative Nonlinear Ultrasound Imaging for Assessment of Tumor Malignancy and Thrombotic Risk of Atherosclerotic Plaques


Awarded: NOK 1.5 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2006

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage


USA - The functions of root border cells in Picea abies, Pinus and agricultural species: common strategies for different challenges?

As plants are bound to live stationary lives, their roots have to cope with a number of challenges that may differ between species and change through the plants' life cycle. For example, a tree seedling in a plant school must withstand attacks by the soil born Pythium fungus, while a mature tree ...

Awarded: NOK 0.10 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2007

Location: Akershus

DEMO2000-Prosj.ret tekn.utv. petro.virk

Subsea MudBooster. Qualification and testing of a multiphase subsea MudBooster pump


Awarded: NOK 2.3 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2007

Location: Oslo

DEMO2000-Prosj.ret tekn.utv. petro.virk

Development of a new PMS (Production/Pipeline Management System) platform that enables e-Operations


Awarded: NOK 0.75 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2006

Location: Akershus

IS-RWE-Musikksamarbeid Norge-Tyskland

Folgerø, Sigstein, RWE05


Awarded: NOK 40,000

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Ukjent Fylke

IS-RWE-Musikksamarbeid Norge-Tyskland

Meinich, Ada, RWE05


Awarded: NOK 40,000

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Ukjent Fylke

PETROMAKS-Maksimal utnyttelse av petroleumsreserver

Forprosjekt. Electric control system for smart wells

As part of its technology gap analysis, WS together with Statoil/I-LUP has identified a market need for a simple and cost-effective electric control system for smart well valves. The smart well market is expected to rise dramatically in the coming years, and especially many offshore platform an...

Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Ukjent Fylke


Childhoods 2005 Oslo: Children and Youth in Emerging and Transforming Societies. Konferanse 28.juni- 3.juli 2005

Konferansen Childhoods 2005- Children and Youth in Emerging and Transforming Societies avholdes juni 2005 ved UiO. Konferansen bygger på et samarbeid mellom flere fakulteter ved Ui0 institusjonelt sett, og involverer et samarbeid mellom de fleste fakultet er ved UiO gjennom forskere fra fakultete...

Awarded: NOK 0.15 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Oslo


Samordna bruk og drift av administrative IT-system

Prosjektet gjeld 6 kommunar med 14.500 innbyggjarar og 50% av arealet i Telemark. I kommunane er det i stor grad samanfall når det gjeld fagapplikasjonar innafor lønn/personal, rekneskap/økonomi og fakturering. Ein bakgrunn for dette er at ein gjennom I T-samarbeid over fleire år medvete har ar...

Awarded: NOK 0.60 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2008

Location: Telemark


Strandbakken, seminar, EONR-rett, 04


Awarded: NOK 41,500

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Ukjent Fylke


Smestad, Annemarie, EONR, stat, 05


Awarded: NOK 28,000

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Ukjent Fylke

PES-INST-Prosjektetablererstøtte EU (FoU)

STREP - Knowledge and Competitiveness in the Enlarged EU (U-Know)


Awarded: NOK 75,000

Project Period: 2005-2006

Location: Oslo

SAM-EU-Samfinansiering EU-kontoret

GM and non-GM supply chains: their CO-EXistence and TRAceability (IP)


Awarded: NOK 2.4 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2012

Location: Akershus

PES-EU-Prosjektetablererstøtte EU (bedrift)

Development of Silicon Photomultiplier Radiation Detector Platform


Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2005-2006

Location: Oslo

IS-SOE-Samarbeid med Sørøst- Europa

Paunovic, M. S&M SOE04/05-51


Awarded: NOK 23,000

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

IS-RUS-Stipendprogram for NVRussl.

Katolikova, Marina RUS04/05-16


Awarded: NOK 18,000

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Vestland

PES-INST-Prosjektetablererstøtte EU (FoU)

Intelligent Energy - Europe PROBIOFUEL


Awarded: NOK 50,000

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Vestland

PES-INST-Prosjektetablererstøtte EU (FoU)

Co-operative Vehicle-Infrastructure Systems


Awarded: NOK 0.24 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2006

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

PES-EU-Prosjektetablererstøtte EU (bedrift)

Adaptive Integrated Driver-vehicle InterfacE


Awarded: NOK 59,999

Project Period: 2005-2006

Location: Vestland

IS-BILAT-Mobilitet Norge-USA /Canada

"Packaging the Presidency - Norwegian Style", a project within the Forum for Contemporary History framework of "America in our hearts?"

As an integrated part of my doctoral fellowship at the Forum for Contemporary History (FoSam), University of Oslo, I have been appointed Visiting Fellow for the 2005 Spring Quarter at the Contemporary History Institute (CHI), Ohio University. I will be th e first such formalized appointee under t...

Awarded: NOK 53,500

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Oslo

IS-BILAT-Mobilitet Norge-USA /Canada

Learning and evaluating production processes of artificial diets for the implementation on Norwegian aquaculture species as cod and halibut.

A large effort has been made world wide to culture marine species for aquaculture. Live feed production is a significant cost for the Norwegian halibut and cod farming, but one has not succeeded replacing live feed with a formulated diet. The lack of a w ell functional formulated diet for marine...

Awarded: NOK 74,000

Project Period: 2005-2006

Location: Vestland

PES-EU-Prosjektetablererstøtte EU (bedrift)

NEST - Theoretical Description of the Dielectric Properties of Water for Tomographic Use


Awarded: NOK 49,999

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Rogaland

PES-INST-Prosjektetablererstøtte EU (FoU)

Semantic Interfaces for Mobile Services


Awarded: NOK 0.12 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2006

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

PES-EU-Prosjektetablererstøtte EU (bedrift)

Collective Research - Kvalitetsnorm for forbedret og standardisert yrkesrettet attføring i Europa


Awarded: NOK 99,999

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Oslo

PES-INST-Prosjektetablererstøtte EU (FoU)

MIDAS - MIDdleware service environment facilitating development of mobile Applications and Services


Awarded: NOK 0.12 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2006

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

IDR-SAMF-Idrett og samfunn

Webtidsskriftet: idrottsforum.org


Awarded: NOK 0.11 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2007

Location: Ukjent Fylke

INTSAMGEN-Internasjonalt samarbeid generelt

MATTRYGGHET OG REGULERINGSPOLITIKK - en komparativ studie av globaliseringens effekt på mattrygghet

Norsk senter for bygdeforskning planlegger deltagelse i et internasjonalt komparativt prosjekt om mattrygghet og reguleringspolitikk i samarbeid med forskningsmiljø i USA, Storbritannia og Japan. Samarbeidspartene er enige om å utvikle et felles prosjekt der de ulike aktørene har ansvar for å søk...

Awarded: NOK 85,000

Project Period: 2005-2005

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage