0 projects


PES Algae4Benefit

- Utviling og skrivelse av arbeidspakken "Closing the circle" rettet mot circulær økonomi. diskusjon med partnere litteratursøk sjekk videre partnere planlegging og diskusjon av budsjett knytting av arbeidspakken til alle andre arbeidspakker og prosjektets huvedmål direkt samarbeid med koordinatorn

Awarded: NOK 69,999

Project Period: 2021-2022

Location: Oslo

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

RemShell: Novel REmediation Technologies for PFAS, enabled by In Situ Shell Systems

REMSHELL will overcome complexities by bringing together some of the world-leading researchers and key players in the remediation sector, who will deliver innovative environmental remediation technologies, tailored for different environmental matrices and accelerating the elimination of mobile an...

Awarded: NOK 59,999

Project Period: 2020-2021

Location: Oslo

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

Insect Enzymes into the plastic world (INSTAR)

The technology developed during INSTAR technology is based on the exploitation of the wax worm capacity to fast biodegrade polyethylene, one of the most resistant and produced plastic materials. Enzymes from within the wax worms will be produced, characterized and utilized in technologies to coun...

Awarded: NOK 69,999

Project Period: 2020-2020

Location: Oslo

PES2020-Prosj.etabl.støtte H2020

MICRO AND NANO-PLASTIC EUROPE - Towards Innovative Approaches to Cope with the Health and Environmental Impacts of Micro and Nano Plastics

The project proposed will contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics of micro and nano-plastics in the environment. Base on that will also identify the health impacts, and their relevance, of exposure to micro- and nano-plastics. The project will combine research and action, so as to...

Awarded: NOK 79,999

Project Period: 2020-2020

Location: Oslo