0 projects

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Snake Locomotion in Challenging Environments

Prosjektet utvikler nye forskningsresultater innen styringssystemer, informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi for robotisert fremdrift i ukjente og utfordrende omgivelser. Inspirert av biologiske slanger har slangeroboter lange, slanke og fleksible kropper som kan gi robuste fremdriftsegenskaper ...

Awarded: NOK 13.0 mill.

Project Period: 2011-2015

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Chemo-enzymatic production of bioactive chito-oligosaccahrides

Dette 3-års postdoktorprosjektet startet 1. oktober 2010 og ble forlenget på grunn av en permisjon i perioden oktober 2012 til juni 2014. Rapportperioden spenner fra 1. oktober 2010 - juni 2015. Prosjektet omhandler produksjon av kitosan oligomerer og deres byggesteiner med enzymatiske og kjemisk...

Awarded: NOK 3.2 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2015

Location: Akershus

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

PET/PEPT and numerical study of pneumatic conveying and dust lifting

The project described in this proposal aims at studying the pneumatic conveying and dust lifting processes both through experimental and numerical methods. Due to the recent creation of the new Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Center by the Bergen Hauke land University Hospital in collaboration...

Awarded: NOK 6.4 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2013

Location: Vestland

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Cosmological Probes of Modified Gravity

The most dramatic discovery in science in the past few years has been the revelation that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating. Predictions based on General Relativity plus the Standard Model of particle physics fail to explain this. A possibl e explanation to the observations is to i...

Awarded: NOK 6.1 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2014

Location: Oslo

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Lead-free ferro- and piezoelectric K0.5Na0.5NbO3-based materials


Awarded: NOK 9.4 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2015

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Design of Efficient Solar Energy Materials from Theory(DESEMAT)

Hovedmålet for forskningsprosjektet DESEMAT har vært å benytte beregningsmetoder i kjemi og fysikk for å forstå hvorledes kjemisk sammensetning, krystallstruktur og defekter har innvirkning på egenskaper for transparente tynne oksid lag som har potensial for å forbedre ytelsen til neste generasjo...

Awarded: NOK 5.4 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2015

Location: Oslo

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Secure Boolean Functions for Coding and Cryptography

Boolske funksjoner er funksjoner som tar flere binære {0,1} variable som input og gir en binær verdi som output. Boolske funksjoner er av fundamental interesse og finnes i ethvert digitalt system i datamaskiner, kommunkasjons og kryptografiske systemer. Prosjektet har studert Boolske funksjone...

Awarded: NOK 10.1 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2014

Location: Vestland

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Integrated Design of Model-Based Observers and Delay-Based Attenuation of Measurement Disturbances

The focus of the project is design of state estimators for physical systems based on partial state measurements. We assume that the measurements are corrupted by disturbances with (partially) known autocorrelation profiles. The goal is to develop tools fo r integrating model-based observer design...

Awarded: NOK 1.9 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2013

Location: Ukjent Fylke

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Hydrogen storage in novel boron-based compounds

One major unsolved problem for the introduction of hydrogen as an energy carrier in the global energy system is effective storage of hydrogen. Complex hydrides based on boron are promising with hydrogen contents above 10 wt% hydrogen. Key issues addressed in the project are synthesis and charact...

Awarded: NOK 7.3 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2013

Location: Akershus

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Quantum control of Rydberg Atoms, Molecules and Matter

It is proposed to study the dynamics and characteristics of Rydberg states in atoms antimatter, molecules and inter-atom interactions. Within an integrated experimental and theoretical program researchers and students will work in close cooperation while at the same time having well defined goa...

Awarded: NOK 7.4 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2013

Location: Vestland

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Theoretical Foundations of Mobile Flexible Networks

In this project, we propose highly innovative basic optimal research in signal processing for communications with very ambitious objectives. We aim at producing high impact results in the field of signal processing for communications and also envisage con tributions in related areas such as mathe...

Awarded: NOK 1.9 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2013

Location: Akershus

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Multiscale Domain Decomposition: Algorithms and Analysis

Prosjektet utforsker en klasse av metoder for å løse partielle differensialligninger. Slike ligninger beskriver mange fenomener innen teknologi og vitenskap og er derfor viktige. Metoden som brukes, områdedekomponering, består i å dele opp problemet i mange delproblem. Hvert delproblem er defi...

Awarded: NOK 6.0 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2016

Location: Vestland

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Fundamentals of Reactive Multi Phase Flows in Chemical Looping Combustion

Først ble prediksjonsegenskapene til de mest aksepterte modellene for strømning i fluidiserte senger fastlagt. Det ble da klarlagt at den modne To Fluid Modellen (TFM), med bruk av etablerte lukningslover, kan gi industrielt interessante simuleringsresult ater. Dette gjelder spesielt situasjoner ...

Awarded: NOK 7.6 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2014

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Hotspot Rift Interaction & Geochemistry of the North Atlantic Mantle: the Aegir Ridge 'Hole' in the Iceland Hotspot

P-bølge modellering av vertikalkomponentene i de havbunnseismiske (OBS) dataene innsamlet langs Aegir ryggen i 2010 antyder pålitelig avbildning av hele jordskorpen og øvre mantel. Gjennomsnittlig jordskorpetykkelse er modellert til 4.5 km, noe som er mindre enn for normal havbunnsskorpe og antyd...

Awarded: NOK 4.6 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2014

Location: Vestland

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Innovative technology development for tumor stem cell marker identification.

Nano-flow separation columns, based on either monolithic polymer filled columns (15-50 micrometer i.d.), or porous layer open tubes (10 micrometer i.d.), will be developed and used in multi-dimensional LC methods for identification of new protein biomarke rs, by comparing adult neural and tumor (...

Awarded: NOK 6.4 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2013

Location: Oslo

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Molecules in magnetic fields

Molecular electronic structure-theory calculations are mostly performed in the absence of magnetic fields, with the ability to include the effects of internal and external magnetic fields perturbatively, as corrections to the field-free description of the molecule. In the MOLMAG project, the mol...

Awarded: NOK 5.2 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2015

Location: Oslo

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Spatio-temporal modelling and approximate Bayesian inference

The aim of this project is to provide solutions for two common challenges in spatio-temporal applications: making Bayesian inference in reasonable time, and provide a good approach to modeling and representing stationary and non-stationary Gau ssian random fields. This is done by ...

Awarded: NOK 8.0 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2014

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

SCOPE - Exploiting Structure to Cope with Hard Problems

En algoritme er en liste med presise instruksjoner for å løse en oppgave ved hjelp av en datamaskin. Mange av de mest interessante oppgavene vi vil løse med datamaskiner er så vanskelige at ingen har så langt klart å finne en rask og god algoritme for å løse dem. En god del av disse oppgavene kan...

Awarded: NOK 12.5 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2015

Location: Vestland

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

On the origin of the Denmark Strait Overflow Water

The North Atlantic Deep Western Boundary Current constitutes the lower limb of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC), and, as such, is a crucial component of the Earth's climate system. Warm subtropical-origin waters flow northward across the Greenland-Scotland Ridge where they a...

Awarded: NOK 1.7 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2012

Location: Vestland

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Advanced techniques to evaluate the long-term stability and carbon sequestration potential of different types of biochar

Biochar is emerging as one of the most promising tools to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and permanently sequester carbon (C) in soils. The technology is based on pyrolysis of fresh biomass, a process that also generates energy in the form of syn-gas and bio-oil. Pyrolysis conditions greatly aff...

Awarded: NOK 6.8 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2013

Location: Akershus

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Reverse ElectroDialysis; a Sustainable DC Power Source

Hvis saltvann og rent vann blandes på en kontrollert måte, kan vi oppnå å ta blandingsenergien ut som mekanisk eller elektrisk energi. Den prosessen som utnytter den mekaniske energien i et kraftverk kalles revers osmose. Dette prosjektet søker å optimalisere det elektriske arbeidet man kan få u...

Awarded: NOK 5.4 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2016

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Nanofibrills filters for environmental nanoparticles: Development of innovative protection against Nano-pollution

Nanopollution is a generic name for all waste generated by nanodevices, during the nanomaterials manufacturing process or unintentionally by incineration of normal products or nanoproducts. This kind of waste may be very dangerous because of its size and persistence. Most human-made nanoparticle...

Awarded: NOK 6.1 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2012

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Environmentally friendly transport: How to design policies for sustainable production of biofuels

Our project consists of three work packages (WPs), each of which considers one or more aspects of biofuels policies and how policies should be designed in order to secure a sustainable introduction of biofuels. In WP 1 we will analyze to what extent a rep orting policy and the non-acceptance of n...

Awarded: NOK 5.4 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2013

Location: Oslo

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Point defects and diffusion in semiconducting oxides for renewable energy

Transparent conducting oxides (TCO) have received considerable attention during the last few years due to their potential applications as light emitting devices and in photovoltaics. With the combined properties of having close to metallic high electrical conductivity and a high optical transpar...

Awarded: NOK 2.4 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2012

Location: Oslo

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Radiative Transfer and Heat Budget Processes on Arctic Sea Ice

Sea ice in the Arctic has significant impacts on biology, oceanography, climate, and economic activities. Through a detailed system of interrelated measurement and modeling experiments, this project will result in a better understanding of the processes in first-year sea ice that affect its ene...

Awarded: NOK 5.5 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2013

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Combining multi-compartment sampler and geophysical techniques for monitoring contaminant transport in soils

Pollution of soils is a widespread problem and is an important part of the still to be implement Soil Directive (EU). The impact of agriculture, industry, airport activities on soil and water quality is strongly influenced by soil heterogeneity. To improve risk assessment, monitoring, and treatme...

Awarded: NOK 3.3 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2016

Location: Akershus

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

DMPL -- Design of a mouldable programming language

Formålet med DMPL-prosjektet var å vise at et lite og kompetent team kunne implementere et nytt, generelt programmeringsspråk med støtteverktøy innen rammen av noen få årsverk. Det har vi klart! - språket Magnolia med kompilator, språkfølsom editor (IDE - i Eclipse) og støttebibliotek med introdu...

Awarded: NOK 15.6 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2016

Location: Vestland

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Combinatorial and Categorical methods in Representation Theory

Prosjektet dreier seg om forskjellige deler av algebra. Motivert av konkrete eksempler, som hele tall og rasjonale tall, så kan man imitere regneregler som gjelder i disse konkrete eksemplene til å innføre abstrakte algebraiske strukturer. F.eks. er da de hele tall en ring med to operasjoner + og...

Awarded: NOK 8.0 mill.

Project Period: 2010-2015

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Geometric Numeric Integration in Applications

I GeNuIn-prosjektet ser vi på simulering og modellering av flerlegemedynamikk og på problemer som oppstår innenfor biomedisinsk bildebehandling. Vårt hovedmål er å komme fram til mer nøyaktige og pålitelige datamaskinsimuleringer av de fysiske fenomenene vi studerer ved å utnytte kvalitative egen...

Awarded: NOK 8.6 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2014

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

FRINATEK-Fri prosj.st. mat.,naturv.,tek

Studies on Codes for Error Detection

The basic idea of error coding is to introduce redundancy that can be utilized to detect and, for some applications, correct errors that have occurred during a transmission over a channel. Here "transmission" is used in a wide sense, including any process which may corrupt the data, e.g. transmi...

Awarded: NOK 9.6 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2013

Location: Vestland