0 projects


NA - Development of a metabolomics project to study biomarkers in psychotic disorders as part of the TOP study

Metabolomics is a new technology platform allowing the comprehensive study of small molecules present in cells and body fluids. It has been earmarked as an important area to develop under the NIH Roadmap Initiative. The technology provides the examinatio n of the comprehensive metabolome, as wel...

Awarded: NOK 0.14 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2008

Location: Oslo

TU-Tungt utstyr


Bildediagnostikk er blitt en viktig del av den moderne medisin, og alle medisinske spesialiteter benytter i stadig større grad bilder enten til diagnostikk, monitorering eller veileding av behandling. Integrasjon av de ulike modalitetene organisatorisk og fysisk vil styrke kompetanse og utnytte ...

Awarded: NOK 3.2 mill.

Project Period: 2006-2007

Location: Oslo


Drug abuse and psychosis: prevalence, clinical consequences and brain function.

Background: Patients with psychotic disorders are at a greater risk of having a drug abuse problem. Drug abuse is shown to worsen prognosis in psychotic disorders. Cannabis is, after alcohol, expected to be the most prevalent drug of abuse in our populati on. The biological association between ps...

Awarded: NOK 1.8 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2008

Location: Oslo

STORFORSK-Store forskerinitierte prosjekter

The TOP study - Identification of phenotypes and genetic susceptibility in severe mental disorders

Severe mental disorders (schizophrenia and bipolar/manic-depressive disorder) are major causes of disability worldwide, and rank as some of the most costly disorders to afflict humans. The etiology still remains elusive, but there is now overwhelming evid ence that genetic factors play a prominen...

Awarded: NOK 19.9 mill.

Project Period: 2005-2011

Location: Oslo

YFF-Yngre, fremragende forskere

Identification of phenotypes and genetic susceptibility in severe mental disorders

Severe mental disorders (schizophrenia and bipolar/manic-depressive disorder) are major causes of disability worldwide, and rank as some of the most costly disorders to afflict humans. The etiology still remains elusive, but there is now overwhelming evid ence that genetic factors play a prominen...

Awarded: NOK 8.3 mill.

Project Period: 2004-2010

Location: Oslo

PSYKISK-Psykisk helse

Ullevål 600: Behandling, forløp, kognisjon og genetisk sårbarhet hos pasiente rmed alvorlig psykisk lidelse

Samarbeidsprosjektet vil kombinere fire delprosjekter, som studerer forløp og helsetjenestetilbud, medikamentell behandling, kognisjon og genetisk sårbarhet i et representativt materiale av pasienter med schizofreni og manisk depressiv lidelse. Det kognit ive og genetiske delprosjektet vil skje i...

Awarded: NOK 6.6 mill.

Project Period: 2002-2006

Location: Oslo