0 projects

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

N-INNER Next generation fuel cell materials


Awarded: NOK 2.9 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2013

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

Thermally Managed Systems for Storage, Compression, and Supply of Hydrogen Gas

MH-compression is a safe and reliable method to compress hydrogen. The single most important component of such thermal machines is the MH-materials itself. Typical design parameters for any compressor systems are overall pressure gain and throughput capac ity, both of which in case of a MH-based ...

Awarded: NOK 6.0 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2013

Location: Akershus

ENERGIX-Stort program energi


The project description for project no 201779 appears in the original project descriptions for the two ongoing projects and the three proposed projects described in the attachment Basis for CEDREN RENERGI, and in the project description for the CEDREN-cen tre (CEDREN - project description - dated...

Awarded: NOK 57.7 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2013

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

Numerical modeling of sediment transport in water reservoirs

The project will develop a three-dimensional computer model that can simulate the flushing of sand and silt from water reservoirs. The accumulation of sediments in reservoirs is large problem worldwide, reducing agricultural production in developing count ries and hydro power as a clean renewable...

Awarded: NOK 3.1 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2013

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

Assessing the potential for deep geothermal energy

Deep geothermal resources provide an enormous potential for emission-free energy and are already today a significant contributor among the renewable energy resources. Traditional use of geothermal energy has been limited to particular regions, but the res ource is available worldwide, although sc...

Awarded: NOK 5.8 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2013

Location: Vestland

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

Public Acceptance of Post Carbon Strategies

Se særskilt rapportering.

Awarded: NOK 8.5 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2016

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

RENERGI-Fremtidens rene energisystemer

Operating Agent Task 22 of IEA HIA

The present proposal requests funding for Professor Bjørn C. Hauback at Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) to continue as the Operating Agent for Task 22 "Fundamental and Applied Hydrogen Storage Materials Development" within the International Energy A gency Hydrogen Implementing Agreement (IE...

Awarded: NOK 1.6 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2012

Location: Akershus

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

Kinetics of high-temperature oxide ion and proton conductors

High-temperature oxide ion and proton conductors play important roles in the development of technologies related to efficient and environment-friendly energy production e.g. as electrolytes, electrodes or as membranes for oxygen or hydrogen separation. Th e overall yield in these processes is det...

Awarded: NOK 6.7 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2014

Location: Oslo

RENERGI-Fremtidens rene energisystemer

Anvendelse og implementering av fornybar enrgi


Awarded: NOK 2.0 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2010

Location: Nordland - Nordlánnda

RENERGI-Fremtidens rene energisystemer

Fornybar energi, distribuert generering og lagring i et småskalapersktiv, 2009


Awarded: NOK 2.0 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2010

Location: Troms - Romsa - Tromssa

RENERGI-Fremtidens rene energisystemer

Ombygging/modifisering av havvindmølle


Awarded: NOK 3.0 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2010

Location: Rogaland

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

Profitable bioenergy and paper production through innovative raw material handling and process integration (PROFIT)

The project aims at establishing innovative systems and technological solutions for integrated raw material handling and heat flows in a paper mill, waste combustion plant, pellet plant and a synthetic biofuel plant. Heat integration and use of excess was te energy from the paper mill and the was...

Awarded: NOK 16.8 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2013

Location: Oslo

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

Transport and Environment - Measures and POlicies

Ved å videreføre og forsterke klimaprofilen i engangsavgiften for personbiler kan en halvere bilenes CO2-utslipp i løpet av 25-30 år. Enda kraftigere utslippskutt er mulig på lengre sikt. Energibruken og klimagassutslippene i byer og tettsteder er i stor grad bestemt av arealbruken. God klima...

Awarded: NOK 29.9 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2015

Location: Oslo

RENERGI-Fremtidens rene energisystemer

Kompetansemidler for klimaforskning i nord


Awarded: NOK 2.0 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2010

Location: Nordland - Nordlánnda

RENERGI-Fremtidens rene energisystemer

Kompetansebyggende tiltak ved IRIS og UiS


Awarded: NOK 2.0 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2010

Location: Rogaland

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

Technology Development for Bioethanol fuelled HTPEM Systems

The main objective of the project is to develop and demonstrate technologies for conversion of biomass waste and residuals to electricity at high efficiency and low cost in distributed applications. The work proposed is based on an innovative combination of Norwegian technologies, and is well su...

Awarded: NOK 5.5 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2013

Location: Vestland

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

Active dynamic thermal storage for industrial processes

Active thermal storage implies storing heat or cold for reuse as needed. For energy-efficient industrial heating and cooling this research application addresses how to integrate multiple energy sources, and to store heat and cold for rapid dynamic usage. In order to do so the proposal seeks to i...

Awarded: NOK 7.6 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2013

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

Lignocellulosics as a basis for second generation biofuels and the future bioreffinery

The Lignoref project is devoted to developing fundamental knowledge about central processes for cost effective conversion of lignocellulosic materials into second generation biofuels and other value-added products. Central processes that will be studied i nclude biomass pretreatment, hydrolysis o...

Awarded: NOK 16.0 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2013

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

Reduced energy use in Educational buildings with robust Demand Controlled Ventilation

Several studies have shown that the energy use due to ventilation of classrooms can be reduced with 50 to 60 % with well designed demand controlled ventilation (DCV) compared with constant air volume (CAV), presupposed traditional classroom based educatio n. However, the use of the school areas h...

Awarded: NOK 3.2 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2013

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

Towards carbon neutral settlements. Processes, concept development and implementation

The starting point for this project is the vision of a carbon neutral neighbourhood in Trondheim which combines low energy demand and renewable energy with a social sustainable living environment. Through common efforts from researchers, planners and poli ticians this vision is set out to be real...

Awarded: NOK 9.5 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2013

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

RENERGI-Fremtidens rene energisystemer


The EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is the world`s first large-scale international emissions trading system. The system represents a grand experiment in climate policy aimed at restructuring European energy production and use at lowest cost possible. The system is still in the making, with ...

Awarded: NOK 4.6 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2012

Location: Akershus

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

Linking global and regional energy Strategies

The KMB project LinkS is a joint, multi-disciplinary project combining world-leading global top-down climate related research and bottom-up regional energy system design with assessment of regulations and policy instruments in a cross-national comparative perspective. The research challenge of ...

Awarded: NOK 17.7 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2013

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

RENERGI-Fremtidens rene energisystemer

Innovative Foundation Structure for Offshore Wind Turbines

Den overordnede ideen som ligg til grunn for prosjketet er verifisering av nummerisk simulering av jacket fundament påført ei lastmatrise der denne på ein fullverdig måte representerer miljølastene ved faktisk last bilde. Verifiseringsprosessen er todelt ettersom lastmatrisen som skal represente...

Awarded: NOK 4.3 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2012

Location: Oslo

RENERGI-Fremtidens rene energisystemer

Strøm til biler

Prosjektet "Strøm til biler" bygger på kunnskapen om at elektrisk fremdrift er den mest miljøvennlige teknologien for personbiler og utfordringene med innfasing av elektrisk energi for å erstatte fossilt drivstoff. Resultatene i prosjektet vil gjøre det m ulig å tilby nye produkter og nye tjenest...

Awarded: NOK 1.00 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2012

Location: Akershus

RENERGI-Fremtidens rene energisystemer

Offshore bunnfast vindturbin

Hovedmålet med prosjektet er å utvikle produksjonsunderlag for en konkurransedyktig 4MW bunnfast offshore vindturbin tilpasset ca 70m dyp (typisk for norsk kontinentalsokkel), som vil være i stand til å operere med mindre enn ett (1) ikke planlagt stopp p er år i gjennomsnitt. Utviklingen vil bas...

Awarded: NOK 6.4 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2012

Location: Oslo

RENERGI-Fremtidens rene energisystemer

Metoder og forretnignskonspetr for bærekraftig rehabilitering - Methods and business concepts for sustainable renovation

Prosjektet ønsker å finne optimale konsepter ut fra ønsket om mer bærekraftge bygg som passer for enkeltstående bygninger og for gruppering av bygninger når målet er bærekraftig oppgradering av bolig- eller byområder (grupper av bygninger). Prosjektet ha r følgende delmål: -Klassifisering av byg...

Awarded: NOK 1.6 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2012

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

'High Frequency Wind Power'.

Prosjektet omhandler løsninger for vindparker basert på likespenning. Ny omformerteknologi og transformering med høy frekvens gir systemer med lavere vekt og volum. Nøkkelteknologi er bruk av nanokrystallinske materialer i transformatorkjerner samt matriseomformere. Prosjektet omhandler særlig hv...

Awarded: NOK 7.4 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2014

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

Electricity Demand Knowledge

There is an increasing focus on challenges related to climate-changes and security of energy supply. EU has specified a binding target for 2020 to reduce the EU global primary energy use by 20 %, compared to a normal growth. Energy efficiency in energy co nversion, supply and end-use is the short...

Awarded: NOK 4.4 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2013

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

ENERGIX-Stort program energi

High Voltage AC and DC Subsea Cables for Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Grids

Within Energi 21 (a unifying R&D strategy for the energy sector) five technology target areas are identified in order to respond to the key challenges and to the national objectives. In the strategy document for Energi 21, one of the target areas for more intensive basic research is an energy sy...

Awarded: NOK 12.8 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2013

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage

RENERGI-Fremtidens rene energisystemer

IEA-District Heating and Cooling Project, Annex IX

The main objective is to perform co-ordinated, goal oriented research in co-operation between 9-10 IEA-Countries on the following projects: (1) The Potential for Increased Primary Energy Efficiency and Reduced CO2 emissions by DHC. (2) District Heating f or Energy Efficient Building Areas. (3) I...

Awarded: NOK 0.75 mill.

Project Period: 2009-2011

Location: Trøndelag - Trööndelage